Exciting news!
Here are the audios from “The Panel”.
The Panel is consisted of 4 talented, experienced, world famous hypnotists…
Jon Chase
Richard Nongard
Anthony Jacquin
Michael Ellner
And it’s hosted by me Joe Fobes.
Our first discussion was on pretalk and intake, and it was a smashing success. I now use in my practice, quite a few of the ideas that were presented in the discussion.
And so here are the audios
I’ll be posting details about the next panel discussion when they are available.
Enjoy and comment!
This Panel audios are a great idea!
Hey Joe,
Thanks … for these great audios
with these excellenent hypnotist!
I really enjoyed listening to them.
Yet, the bad audio quality is one point
of critique. Could you maybe upload
higher quality ones or tell me how I
could attain them?
I’m sorry, it was a skype call with some bad quality…
Hopefully the next one will be better…
Thanks, nonetheless for your time and effort to put up this panel, Joe!
Pretty much appreciated.