So you’re getting some simple trance effects like arm levitation and catalepsy. You’re even getting partial amnesia. But it seems like some suggestions just wont stick! What do you do now?
Well, it seems you’ve discovered a very very important thing. And that is that even after they are hypnotized, unless they are in somnambulism, you still have to give suggestions properly. Thats because they don’t fully understand what you want. However when they are in somnambulism they become very literal minded and so they take what you say at face value without needing to understand what you want.
Here are 3 key things you can do before they are in somnambulism so that they understand what you mean on all levels and your suggestions work even better.
1. Visualize the effect working and then describe what you see to them. This is crucial. If you want an arm stuck using glue, visualize and imagine completely that your arm is stuck with actual glue, and describe how that looks and feels to them. Describe how it feels to try to lift it. Describe it in the here and now. This is the most important thing in hypnosis.
2. Fit the suggestion into their world. If you have someone who has experienced real glue, the suggestion will work much better. If you get a stuck arm, then suggesting a stuck name will work much better. See where you can use what preexists to slot your suggestion in as a seamless extension of that. Use everything. Their past experiences in life, their experiences with what has worked. Don’t suggest new things, simply extend what already exists. Put some thought into that and how you can make that work. Leverage everything.
3. Say these magical words after you give a suggestion “if you understand that nod your head”. It really does work wonders.
Do these three simple things and you will find that your success with suggestions increases exponentially.
Happy trancing!