Feel Good Instantly!

This last cool idea came from a client…

In the session we ended up chatting with his older self. We asked for a useful belief for his younger self to have. The older self gave us “I’m not perfect and don’t need to be”.

And so the client tried it out. He closed his eyes, and sincerely said “I’m not perfect and don’t need to be”. The moment he said that something pretty cool happened… he felt a massive wave of relief and relaxation.

We started going through all his various problems, and we used them as proof that he isn’t perfect and doesn’t need to be.

It ended up that whenever he thought to himself “I have anxiety”, that thought made him feel awesome 🙂

And so thats the new tool. When something is bothering you just say “I don’t need to perfect, and I’m not, proof being (insert problem here)”.

Go do it now! Think of something thats bothering you. Something that you have been workign on for a long time, or a flaw that you think you have that you’re upset or embarrased about. Then say the magic words… “I don’t need to perfect, and I’m not, proof being (insert problem here)”.

Then just notice the tangible feeling of relief and relaxation 🙂

Use, Enjoy, and Comment!


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