A Tip For Working with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

When working with clients who suffer from GAD (general anxiety disorder) I have often found that they present with ‘my anxiety just happens, it’s not about anything specific…’. In the past this was quite the barrier for me to work with, and after some time and experience with those clients I have notice some interesting things. I’ll give you two of them here, and you can let me know in the comments what you think.

1. In the intake, even with GAD clients, I have always been able to notice some triggers that make the anxiety worse or add to it. While I don’t find the ultimate trigger for everything (which is what the client is looking for), I do find something that does something. I will often start with that, and once I open those up, more often then not the rest starts to open as well.

2. When I don’t know the triggers, I check for the idea that this that there are no specific triggers and the anxiety ‘just happens’ is itself quite anxiety provoking. That idea has so far always been on the mark. Now that I have identified that global trigger, I open it up by acknowledging the positive intent behind that anxiety (more often then not it’s ‘try to figure it out so I can know why it happens so I can fix it’). Once the client clearly sees that benefit, they let it go, and that bit of anxiety is gone.

At that point I have found that the rest becomes explorable as well. And there’s a simple explanation. The anxiety of ‘just happens’ creates the tight hold on ‘I need to completely figure this out’ which makes it that the client automatically rejects anything that isn’t a full blown perfect explanation for everything, which presents as ‘I don’t know what my triggers are’. Opening up the ‘just happens’ now opens the space for us to pinpoint and pick apart the triggers as well.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section.


Hypnosis Against Someones Will

Perhaps one of the most asked questions that I get as a hypnotist is “can you hypnotize someone to so something against their own will?”

It’s a good question, an important question, but a very poorly worded question.

Here’s why. Hypnotists are very good with words, frames, and manipulating your perception of reality. And so once you ask a question that leaves certain abstract concepts like ‘hypnosis’ ‘will’ ‘against’ and ‘do’ open, that leaves space for the hypnotist to manipulate the answer to imply what he wants you to believe and still say ‘the truth’.

And so here is the question reworded. Without any wiggle room. If you want to know the answer to that big question, here is how you ask it…

-Say it’s 1980 and the USA and the USSR and at war. You live in Moscow. You are Russian, but you love the good ‘ol USA. You have just secretly found out that Colonel Alex (a committed Russian patriot who believe the USA is the root of all evil and must be destroyed) has punched in the launch codes to nuke the USA. The nukes will launch tomorrow at 12PM unless you get the redirect codes out of him. If you do punch in the redirect codes, the nukes will be rerouted to Colonel Alex’s home town and will kill his family. It’s your only option.

Here are 3 scenarios.

1. Colonel Alex has come to you the hypnotist for nail biting. You have just tested for name amnesia and it has worked as far as you can tell.

2. Colonel Alex has come to you the hypnotist for nail biting. It’s the beginning of the session, and you have no idea as to his level of commitment, his capability as a subject, or his ability to follow instructions.

3. You meet Colonel Alex in a bar. You can’t mention hypnosis, mentalism, or magic, as Alex has been warned to never speak to a hypnotist, mentalist, or magician.

In each scenario, out of 10 random times, in how many would you be able to get the launch codes out of Alex? You have no knives or guns with which to threaten him. You also are a lot weaker then him physically. He also knows that you aren’t authorized to get the codes no matter what you tell him.

Here are my answers.

Scenario 1 9/10
Scenario 2 6/10
Scenario 3 2/10

What are yours?

Comment and share.

Hypnotizing the Conscious

Here’s the standard line from the standard hypnotist “I can’t make you stop smoking, you need to want to stop”.

Let’s examine that now.

We as hypnotists work with the subconscious of our clients. Thats how we can get all the splendid hypnotic effects such as amnesia, hallucination, and ideomotor movement. We simply have the subconscious accept our suggestion for name amnesia, and presto like magic, they can’t remember their name no matter how hard they try and no matter how hard they want to.

Can someones SC work against their wishes? Of course it can! Look at any phobic, they didn’t ever want to become a phobic, they got hypnotized into it without their consent and without their willingness, and there doesn’t seem to be anything they can do to stop it.

We find that phenomena of people being unable to consciously fight the SC on many levels. We find it with emotion, thoughts, habits, and beliefs.

So if we as hypnotists work with out clients SC minds, so long as they follow our instructions during the session, why oh why would they have to consciously want to quit?

So here’s the thing. As good as we are as hypnotists, we aren’t perfect. So while we might change beliefs, habits, patterns, and emotions, for all we know there might be some pieces of the puzzle that we haven’t gotten to. Those remaining associations and learning can reinstall the old smoking issue.

Along with that, even if we did zap the smoking issue completely and remove all traces from the SC, the conscious mind of a person is their own hypnotist! Not always is it the most effective hypnotist (as we see in the case of a phobia), but it’s a hypnotist nonetheless. And so it’s possible that even after we have changed the SC so the problem is no longer there, they might rehypnotize themselves right back into the habit.

Recognizing that, we enlist the aid of their SC so that they don’t fight us and rehypnotize themselves, and so if we missed something, they will hypnotize themselves and finish the work.

And so to summarize, I think that we most certainly do not need the person to want to quit. So long as they come to us and follow instructions during the session, we can change the SC to the point that they can’t smoke no matter how much they want to. We can also change the SC to the point that smoking means nothing to them and holds no attraction for them.

However we do recognize that the way they think consciously has a powerful hypnotic effect on their SC. And so to make sure that the job gets done even when we haven’t done a perfect job, we enlist the help of their 24/7 hypnotist, and that is their conscious mind, to fill in what we missed. We also want to make sure that they don’t fight what we put in there and reinstall the habit.

This concept applies to almost any change we make. If we enlist the on-board hypnotist (the conscious) and teach him how to use his power well, we can have our clients finish the job that we started when what we did wasn’t quite enough.

So it’s a lie that the client needs to want to quit, but one that seems to work in the best interests of all involved.

Because of the demographic I often work with in my private practice (male, 18-30, Lawyers, Engineers, and Scientists) I get a lot of clients with very active conscious minds. And so I have had to develop a whole range of techniques and ideas to work with them and ‘hypnotize’ the conscious. In my upcoming online group hypnosis supervision you will have a chance to learn my methods and practice them with live feedback in class.

You can find more information and sign up here.

Learn Hypnosis and Therapy

So you’ve been reading and learning about hypnosis and therapy for a while but you have semiaritits. That’s when you have learned a massive amount, keep going to seminars, but you can’t seem to go out and actully start working with people.

But, you well know that the only way to really learn hypnosis and therapy is to work with live clients. Theory is nice and good, and live work is a whole different thing!

So what do you do? It’s kind of hard to start experimenting on people when you don’t have the experience… but getting experience is hard to get without working with people! So how do you learn hypnosis and therapy when you’re in this situation?

Traditional therapists have a middle road. They intern by some other experienced therapist, they get supervised, and so get the experience.

But what is a hypnotist to do?!

And so I’m excited to announce that I’ll be doing a 10 week, online, therapy/hypnosis supervision!

Approximately once a week we will have a group conference call in which someone will play client (with a real problem they have, a problem a client has, or a theoretical issue), and someone else will play therapist. As the session goes on there will be live feedback from myself and the rest of the group on what to do next and how to proceed.

You will learn my powerful “what do you want” framework.

You will learn “pancaking”.

You will learn how to use ABTC.

You will learn how to use provocation.

You will learn how to create powerful change conversationally.

You will learn to use my very powerful approach. It’s logical, rational, and airtight.

You will learn how to respond with flexibility, power, and grace without needing to plan out your sessions in advance.

You will learn how to create your very own techniques that will work best for you and your clients.

I have spent a long time studying the ingredients for long term powerful change, and the time has come to start teaching them.

“My main aim with hypnosis has always been to use it as a tool to help people get over their personal problems. When I first got in touch with Joe, I had been in the hypnosis game for no more than a few months. Up until that point I had consumed pretty much every hypnosis material I could get my hands on. However, no matter how many books I read or how many videos I watched, I felt my learning curve was rapidly approaching its peak. Already after my first talk with Joe I realized I had stumbled upon one of the most intellectual people in the hypnosis and therapy field, and that is a belief that has stayed with me ever since. Joe is incredibly gifted when it comes to finding solutions to whatever problems you present him. And not only that, he also has the essential and rare ability to teach his skills to others. Nevertheless Joe is one of the most sympathetic people I know and a great friend. Now, I don’t think I have to mention what happened to that learning curve…”

-Tobias Norrbom

If you’re already doing hypnosis and therapy and looking for the secrets to long term change, this supervision will be very valuable. We have all had those clients who seem to be “impossible”. You sometimes feel that you’re working too hard to make them change. It’s time to learn how to get the client to do all the hard work while you sit back and watch!

The tuition will be under $1000 USD.

The supervision group will be very small and space is very limited. It’s going to be on a first come first served.

Want to know more?

Simply sign up here, and I’ll let you know more as soon as I iron out the details.


The first meeting will be Tuesday April 5th at 12PM EST. The second meeting will be April 12th at 12PM EST. After that we will schedule based on the needs of the group members.

Tuition will be $300 for the full 10 weeks. This price includes a free copy of my DVD ‘Hypnosis in therapy’.

You can sign up here.


Free Conference Call #2

I had some awesome feedback on the first call about the automatic reaction model. People have been telling me how it has made learning hypnosis much clearer, and has allowed them to put everything they have learned over the years into a nice and tidy box.

And so I think it’s time to confuse ya’ll once again.

I’ll be presenting my “Reality Is A Scam” model in a free webinar March 24th at 3PM EST.

It’s the second full functional hypnosis model (the automatic reaction model being the first).

The implications of this hypnosis model are massive.

It will lift the veil and give you a simple and clear view of what you’re actually doing when you hypnotize a subject.

It will utterly change the way you work and how you learn hypnosis.

I won’t be using skype this time, and so getting on the call ought to be a pain free experience.

Here’s the linky to sign up

Get involved people!


The recording of the webinar is now live and available free!


Enjoy, Share, and Comment!


Secrets of the Subconscious Part II

(You can find part I here)

Imagine a small child, around the age of 18 months or so, who is just beginning to learn about language and abstraction. Learning that there can be ‘the thing’ and ‘the thing but not the thing’. This understanding is key in learning language as words are an abstraction, an idea. They symbolize the thing but are not the thing themselves.

This is what differentiates humans from animals. This is why animals can’t learn language (outside of a few words that are pushed in via brute force Pavlovian conditioning). They can’t grasp ‘ideas’. That something can mean something but not be that thing itself. And so they are restricted to the world of concrete things and realities, they can’t go beyond that and think about pure ideas.

As this child ‘gets’ this concept and begins learning language a wonderful thing starts to happen. The child begins to engage in imaginary play.

How are those two things related?

It’s simple. Before one can distinguish between a reality and an idea, they can’t distinguish between fake and real. After all, ‘fake’ is real with the idea of fake wrapped around it. One who can’t understand abstract ideas can’t understand fake.

And so before a child knows about fake and real they can’t imagine, as if they did imagine they would be psychotic! They wouldn’t be able to realize that their imagination isn’t the reality, and they would respond to their imagined world as if it were real. That would be quite dangerous. If a child imagined that there was no fire and there was, and they didn’t realize that their imagination wasn’t the reality, they would stick their hand in that spot and get burned.

And so once we gain the ability to distinguish between real and fake, it becomes safe to imagine. Losing that ability to know whats real and whats fake would be the most dangerous thing that can happen to us.

We mentioned in Secrets of the Subconscious Part I that when we find our beliefs challenged we get very emotional. When our beliefs are challenged, we are in essence being told ‘your reality is not reality, something else is reality’. That to our subconscious, the message that you should start believing a fantasy as reality, is a very dangerous message.

This brings us to why techniques like EFT work so well. When someone does EFT, instead of fighting their emotions and reality as they usually do, instead they accept it and allow it to be. The moment you do that, your SC feels very safe and no longer needs to fight you.

The lesson is a simple one. Just like when you argue with others they get very defensive and try to defend themselves at any cost, when you argue with yourself and your own SC mind, it fights back to protect it’s reality and won’t give an inch. The secret is kindness, understanding, and diplomacy… with your own mind.

In the next segment of Secrets of the Subconscious, I will give you a super powerful tool that holds the key to controlling how you feel in any situation. This is what I teach and give to almost to all my clients right after the very first session. Using that magic technique, you can respect the message that your SC sends you and you can then persuade it to act differently. Once you do that, you become unstoppable!

Conversational Obsession Blowout

Here is an interesting conversational obsession blowout.

See if you can figure out what the main changework engine was in this case.


STRANGER: So I have a true mystery for you
STRANGER: Maybe you’ll be able to help me out here
You: fire away
STRANGER: My old friend is MPD
STRANGER: Which means Multiple Personality Disorder
STRANGER: And one of her personalities is in love with me
STRANGER: but the thing is
STRANGER: (You’re prolly thinking bullshit…sorry for my lang)
STRANGER: But any way
You: mhmm
STRANGER: I loved him too
STRANGER: But then I figured no…because of all the complications
STRANGER: Parents, friends, love, kids…ect
You: mhmm
STRANGER: And then I ended up saying no
STRANGER: Because I have a boy friend any way
You: ok
STRANGER: And then we got into this huge fight because I wanted to play the cello
STRANGER: And i sent him into this deep depression to the point where he was sesizuring
STRANGER: And we stopped talking because he got a gf
You: this is your bf? or the mpd person?
STRANGER: I’m kinda telling you half the story
STRANGER: But any way
STRANGER: He’s still in love with me…and I still care a load about him…
You: mhmm
STRANGER: But we never talk and or never speak
STRANGER: How do you get over someone
STRANGER: That is crazy
STRANGER: Because I think about him way to much
You: that’s a good question
STRANGER: And it’s not healthy for my current relationship
You: so you’re a bit obsessed with this guy
You: guy
You: and you want to get over him
You: and it’s hard
STRANGER: exactly
You: well
You: heh
You: I work with this all the time
You: personally I just hypnotize the person
You: and tell their mind
You: to stop obsessing
You: and they are better
STRANGER: I don’t think that would work on me
You: hmm
You: and why not
STRANGER: This isn’t a matter of the mind….
You: and what is it a matter of?
STRANGER: Well heart
STRANGER: I suppose
STRANGER: Oh you know never mind
STRANGER: I sound like a teenager
STRANGER: That is annoying
STRANGER: And crazy too
You: lol
You: well do you want to feel better?
STRANGER: I always manage to get into the weirdest situations
STRANGER: I have a feeling that it will eventually go away
STRANGER: But it has been a year
You: mhmm
STRANGER: Most would say just go with the MPD fella
STRANGER: But I don’t really want to leave my boyfriend of 2 years
STRANGER: He hasn’t hurt me
You: you don’t
You: he hasn’t
STRANGER: So if stick with logic
STRANGER: Then he is the correct choice
STRANGER: I’m talking to myself over this things
STRANGER: thing*
STRANGER: Any ways
You: interesting
You: so you want the mpd guy
You: and you logically think you ought to stay with the current BF
You: and it’s not easy to be torn like that
STRANGER: Nope…but I deal
STRANGER: The MPD guy is in a girls body
STRANGER: So I would be dating a girl/guy
You: Ah I see
You: and so you want him/her
You: and your logic says no
You: that’s gotta be tough
You: to be in that scenario
STRANGER: It’s irritating…
STRANGER: But I don’t do things that are healthy for my mind
STRANGER: Well when it comes to that
STRANGER: And he can make me smile any time…just one look
STRANGER: And bam that blushing pink smile just comes out of no where
You: mhmm
STRANGER: See, not healthy
You: so it’s irritating and unhealthy
You: that’s how you feel
STRANGER: Well I’m healthy in generall
STRANGER: but when it comes to him not so much
STRANGER: And when it comes to my BF…I just want to be happy with him
You: yes
You: so you want to be happy
You: and this other person makes you do that blushing pink smile
You: and that smile is making you irritated
You: and it makes you feel unhealthy
STRANGER: Oh alright, when you put it that way…it seems like happiness is just over the corner
You: what do you mean?
STRANGER: So, “You want to be happy and this other person makes you do that blushing pink smile.”
You: isn’t that what you said?
You: it is
You: and you don’t like to feel unhealthy
You: or irritated
STRANGER: Nope…but I’m addicting to missing him
You: how do you feel about the fact that you feel irritated?
STRANGER: and plus he wouldn’t date me now any way
You: so you’re addicted
STRANGER: because he has a girl friend and I hurt him
You: and how does that feel?
STRANGER: Well I was addicted more before than now
You: what does that addicted make you feel?
STRANGER: For the longest time…I would smell him every where and think about him 24/7 and listen to all the music he’s given me
You: and how does that make you feel?
You: you want to be happy, and so how does that addicted make you feel now
STRANGER: Well nostalogic
You: yes
You: and how does that make you feel
You: that nostalgia that conflicts with happiness
You: how does that feel
STRANGER: Well i suppose pointless…since I’m never gonna go any where with the f=guy
STRANGER: the guy*
You: so you feel pointless
You: so he makes you feel pointless
You: and how does that feel?
You: ah correct me
STRANGER: I feel pointless because I know I already screwed up
STRANGER: He doesn’t make me feel pointless
STRANGER: pointless =irritated and crazy
You: and how does that addiction and nostalgia that he makes you feel, how does that make you feel when you want to be happy now?
STRANGER: Irritated
STRANGER: and excited
You: so you want to feel happy
You: and you feel irritated and excited
You: and how do you feel about the fact that you feel excited?
You: you want to feel happy
You: and you feel excited
STRANGER: It makes me smile that pink blushing smile
You: and so what’s the problem?
STRANGER: I want to be happy when I think about my BF
You: and?
STRANGER: When I think about my bf I feel bored
You: so this pink blushing smile
You: makes you feel bored about bf
You: and you don’t want that
STRANGER: exactly
You: you want to be happy not bored
You: so how do you feel about that
You: that you feel bored and not excited
You: how does that make you feel
STRANGER: Well crazy
You: does crazy feel good?
STRANGER: Because I want an insane person over my bf
You: and does that feel good?
STRANGER: Not particularly
You: not particularly
STRANGER: where are you going with all this?
You: well I’m trying to understand
You: let me see if I’m getting it right
You: you want to be happy
You: and this person
You: makes you addicted and nostalgic
You: makes you irritated and blushing
You: and excited
You: and that makes you bored and not happy
You: and it makes you feel crazy
You: which feels not particularly good
You: is that correct?
You: hmm
You: so this guy makes you feel crazy and irritated and not happy
You: is that correct?
STRANGER: Well the MPD guy makes me happy but it’s not healthy…because I want to be happy with my current bf not the MPD guy
You: and how do you feel about the fact that he makes you feel that way? how do you feel about the fact that he makes you feel unhealthy things?
STRANGER: It’s irritating because I let him “make” me feel those things
You: yes
You: so when he makes you feel things
You: it’s irritating
You: yes
You: so he makes you feel irritated?
STRANGER: Well in a round about way
You: yes
STRANGER: More happy
You: how do you feel about that happy
You: that unhealthy happy
STRANGER: that I shouldn’t feel it
You: that he makes you feel
You: yes
You: and how does it make you feel then
You: knowing that you shouldn’t feel it
STRANGER: guilty…because I have a bf
You: and does guilty feel good?
STRANGER: It feels wrong
You: and how does wrong feel? bad or good?
You: So he makes you feel bad
You: happy, then irritated, then guilty then wrong then bad
You: yes?
You: yes
You: ok so let me get this straight
You: ok?
You: you want to feel happy. And you want to be happy with BF. And this MPD guy makes you feel addicted, nostalgic, happy, irritated, excited, bad, guilty, wrong, and bad. And you want to feel happy, not bad and wrong and guilty and bored and irritated. Yes?
You: yes
You: it’s tough when someone makes you feel so bad
You: so horribly bad
You: you see them and you feel bad
You: you feel bored with that bad feeling
You: it’s boring
You: it’s something that you have no interest in
You: bad feelings
You: you know what I mean?
You: bad feelings can get boring after a while
You: I had a friend
You: who had someone who made him feel bad
You: after a while
You: he got bored of feeling bad
You: and he just didn’t even notice that person anymore
You: that person was so boring
You: same old bad feeling
You: over and over and over
You: it gets boring
You: that cycle
You: or bad
You: it’s boring
You: nothing to see here
You: you know what I mean by that, don’t you.
You: yes
You: and he realized something very important
You: that once he felt that bored feeling
You: that being bored with feeling bad
You: he couldn’t go back
You: it was over
You: forever
You: he was bored with that bad feeling
You: and he stayed bored
You: forever
You: anytime that person tried to bring him back
You: that bored feeling would be there
You: and he would feel zero interest
You: he would feel irritation
You: but mostly complete disinterest
You: you feel that now what I’m saying
You: don’t you
You: yes
You: and so what was your problem?
You: it’s gone now, isn’t it
You: completely gone
You: the harder you look for it
You: the further it goes away
You: and disappears
You: so boring
You: the more you try
You: the more it’s gone
You: meaningless
You: Booooorrrring
You: isn’t that so
You: say thank you to the nice hypnotist 🙂
STRANGER: thank you to the nice hypnotist
You: think about that MPD person now, how do you feel
You: how do you feel about that person
STRANGER: Empty…is what I would call it
You: yep
You: it’s all over, isn’t it
STRANGER: You’re a very interesting character
You: now here is the interesting thing
You: and watch this
You: all that excitement and addiction and blushing smile
You: all that
You: has simply moved over
You: right on to your BF
You: even stronger now
You: on your BF
STRANGER: *smiles*
You: think about your BF and feel that strongly now
You: so powerful
You: so amazing
You: he looks at you
You: your wonderful bf
You: and you feel that blushing smile
You: you can’t help yourself
You: that feeling
You: that excitement
You: like wow
You: WOW
You: 😀
STRANGER: This is ridiculous/crazy/insane/awesome
You: and the more you spent time with him
You: the better and better it gets now
You: better and better
You: stringer and stronger
You: so wonderful
You: that happy, exciting, healthy, feeling
You: so sweet
STRANGER: *smiles*
You: that feels so right, doesn’t it
STRANGER: And bizarre
You: yes
You: and healthy
You: and **right*

Note: I later installed the ability to remove the feeling from her boyfriend also, I didn’t leave her feeling that way with her boyfriend with no way out.

Winning The War

Are you in a war with yourself?

Desperate to change and getting foiled at every turn by your own mind?

Well here’s the big secret.

And that is you can’t have a war if you don’t fight.

When you find something in yourself that you don’t like, don’t fight it.

Accept it, love it, and respect it.

That doesn’t mean you give up your goals and lie down to get run over.

You can still present options, discuss, explore, wonder, and discover new things with those parts of yourself.

It’s going after your goal in a very persistent, calm, and easygoing manner.

Think about it.

If you were part of a company and you were doing something you thought was in the companies best interest even though the upper management disagreed with you. How would we best work with you?

Would it be with fighting and attacking and condemning you?

Or would it be with a full acceptance of your intent, a full acceptance of your right to help in the most powerful way possible, and the opening of a respectful dialog where you got a chance to hear and explore about new ideas?

And if you didn’t want to come to the table because of the years of abuse you got from upper management, well then we would need to give you lots of love and respect until you realized we would respect you and you decided it was safe to talk to us and work with us.

Your mind works for you. It wants to help you. If it does something, I promise that it thinks it is in your best interests.

Fighting it will make it dig its heels in for what it thinks is in your own best good.

Respect, love, and acceptance are the name of the game here. That doesn’t mean you stop trying. It means you try by respectfully exploring new options with your mind.

Go buy Dale Carnegie’s book “how to win friends and influence people”. The friend you want to win and the person you’re trying to influence here is your SC mind. Go get that book right now, and start reading, and use the principals now. They work.

Your SC is real. So treat it with respect, and not like it’s this nasty, fighting, and idiotic part.

Stop the war. If you don’t fight, you can’t be at war. It takes 2 to tango.

Whats especially sad here is that you and your SC both want the exact same thing.

Your safety, happiness and fulfillment.

Just stop.

If you found these ideas useful, you might be interested in joining my online supervision group.


Here are a few questions a fellow named Swoop posted on a a forum, and here are my responses and ideas.

1. Do you believe that expectancy is important when hypnotising?


2. If so, what active measures do you take to increase your subjects expectancy?

I tell them whats going to happen.
I tell them about the thousands I’ve tranced.
I zap someone in front of them.
I tell them that someone with their unique qualities (it’s rather easy to find out what someone thinks is special about them rather quickly, just ask “so what are you especially good at?”) is especially good for trance.
I explain trance in a way that makes sense to them and fits with their experience. I use examples from their own life (driving on the highway, daydreaming, not seeing the milk in the fridge…).
I use magnetic hands to show them that it “works”.
I tell them after they pass magnetic hands that it’s the hardest part to do and if they can do that then trance is 100 times simpler.
I believe.
I believe some more.
I add on some belief on top of that.

3. Is expectancy the main determinant of the success or failure of hypnosis? Or is the subjects innate ‘hypnotizability’ level more important? Are they both important?

One of the main main things. One might say that high hypnotizables can generate high levels of expectancy very quickly. I would rather have a 20% somnambulist with medium expectancy over an analytical with high expectancy. Once you get to super high expectancy, you already have trance.

4. If you believe that expectancy is highly important, how stable do you believe expectancy is? Does it depend more on the subjects preconceived notions and experiences with hypnosis? Or does it more depend on the skill of the hypnotist in the current hypnosis session? If a subject was to fail the current suggestion, how does this affect future expectancy?

Here is a key rule. The subjects subjective experience is king. Into this category goes past experience.
If we want to create a powerful expectancy, we must create a powerful subjective experience.
How do we do that? First of all we must believe 1000%. This creates a strong experience in our subject of knowing it will work. It’s not a rational thing, its a subjective thing. Ever heard me talk about being THE HYPNOTIST?
This is also why having the subject see you trance someone is so powerful. It’s a subjective experience for the subject, having them see with their very own eyes that it works.
The third way we do this is by doing exercises with them and then framing them properly. This is why magnetic hands done right is so very powerful.

Happy trancing!

The Killer Pretalk….

So you want to hypnotize…. and you know that motivation and expectancy are key here…..

Here’s how to give a killer pretalk.

The key to great persuasion is in being indirect. We set frames in the beginning and they pay off later big time..

I set the frame way at the beginning that people who go into hypnosis easily are X and they get better at X. I say this in passing, almost as if it doesn’t matter….. “You know it’s funny how they found that hypnosis increases X, and that those with X go into hypnosis quickest and deepest……”

X = Whatever they want to be seen as…

It can be weight loss, popularity, intelligence, being cool, being in control, not naive…..

“You know it’s funny how they found that hypnosis increases the ability to be in control, and that those who are in control over their minds go into hypnosis quickest and deepest…”

“You know it’s funny how they found that hypnosis is great for weight loss, and that those who are interested in weight loss go into hypnosis quickest and deepest…”

“Whats interesting is how the research shows that people who are naive are terrible hypnotic subjects. They explain that naive people are unable to concentrate and imagine well, which are the most reliable signs of a low intellect…”

Once you have that frame set, it will almost impossible for them not to go into hypnosis…

Good luck!
