What is Hypnosis Part 2, De-constructing Heap

Michael Heap has written a wonderful article on hypnosis. You can find it here.

I think that it’s a wonderful article. Heap comes very very close to understanding hypnosis.

In light of my recent understandings I’ll now show where he’s wrong.

Read the Heap article first. Without it you won’t quite understand what I’m talking about here.


Heap talks about the importance of automaticity. And thats great. However he struggles to understand how that automaticity is created. Here is a quote

“There appears to be a consensus amongst academic psychologists who study hypnosis that any theory of hypnosis must account for the subjective experiences of involuntariness and realism that the suggestible subject finds so powerful.

One line of approach that is now popular is to consider that when responding to suggestion, the highly suggestible person is able to exclude from conscious awareness elements of the experience that would normally be available to consciousness. For example, when I raise my arm I am conscious of my arm lifting up and my intention to lift my arm. If however I am able to exclude from conscious representation my intention to lift my arm, it will seem to me that my arm is “lifting on its own”, i.e. involuntarily.

Similarly, if I am given the suggestion that my best friend is standing in front of me, I may make the effort to imagine him, to think of his voice, to imagine my feelings on seeing him, and so on. If I can remove from consciousness awareness the effort and intention that I make in creating this experience, then it will seem more like my friend is really there. To develop these ideas we can and indeed must – use models and theories from mainstream cognitive psychology and neuroscience.”

So Heaps solution to automaticity is the exclusion from awareness that I am choosing to do the act.

I find this absurd.

Classic conditioning has long ago proven that we can condition a reflex. And so if I hit your knee with a hammer a few times and at the same time I ring a bell, and then I only ring the bell, it will automatically and involuntarily twitch (Twitmyer, E. B. (1905). Knee jerks without simulation of the patellar tendon. Psychological Bulletin2, 43.)! In that case you don’t postulate that the person has decided to twitch the knee but has excluded that knowledge from awareness. Salter (1941) talks about using classical conditioning to condition pupil dilation. Would Heap argue that this is also voluntary but excluded from conscious awareness?!

And so once we have shown true automaticity, let me give you another example. One which Heap brings earlier in the paper.

The lemon test. If you imagine a lemon vividly enough you start to salivate.

I once again ask, is the secretion of saliva a voluntary act which you excluding from conscious awareness?!

Now of course you voluntarily imagined the lemon which then led to the saliva, but the saliva itself is involuntary. Salivating is something you can’t do it voluntarily and on command!

And so we have proven a key key point. And that is “If I imagine a context for which there is an appropriate response, that response will involuntarily be elicited”. And so you can’t vividly imagine the lemon without salivating. And therefore, so long as you imagine the lemon, the saliva is involuntary.

With that in mind, explaining an arm lift that happens without effort is rather simple. So long as you imagine a context in which that response is appropriate (helium balloons), the arm will respond with true automaticity.

Now lets take it further. Let’s say you imagine a context in which every response happens. Like the idea that the hypnotists is in full control. In that case, so long as you continued to imagine that, then responding to the hypnotist would be genuine, automatic, and involuntary. The only solution you would have would be to stop imagining that the hypnotist was in control.

And so here is the final step. Lets say you imagined that the hypnotist is in control, and you also imagined that you have no control over any of your imagining. In that case, there would be an automatic response of being unable to stop imagining this reality! And so you are genuinely and truly stuck! We have closed the door or stopping to imagine via imagination! We have closed the loop!

THAT is what hypnosis is. True honest automaticity.

Lets move on in Heaps words.

“Let me now describe three experiments and challenge you to think about the possible explanations in terms similar to those I have just described.

Hypnotically suggestible subjects when given the suggestion that they cannot see a chair in front of them may report convincingly that they cannot see anything. Yet when asked to walk across to the other side of the room they walk around the chair. People who are told that they must only ‘pretend to be hypnotised’ usually bump into the chair (Orne, 1962).

Secondly we suggest to some very suggestible subjects that they can no longer hear their own voices. In the case of those who respond to this suggestion we then ask them to speak into a microphone that is connected to an amplifier and a pair of headphones that the subject wears. The amplifier causes a delay of say half a second in the subject’s speech that he hears through the headphones. This is called ‘delayed auditory feedback’ and it is very difficult for people to speak coherently when at the same time they are hearing their voices delayed for a fraction of a second

What happens to those subjects who insist that they cannot hear their voice? With delayed auditory feedback their speech is disrupted as under normal conditions (Barber & Calverley, 1964)!

Finally, subjects learn a list of words and are then told that they cannot remember any of these words until a signal is given. Some very suggestible subjects may report complete or almost complete amnesia for the words. However they still show a characteristic electroencephalographic response when presented with words that appeared on the list Allen, Iacono, Laravuso, & Dunn, 1995; Schnyer & Allen, 1995) and this material still interferes with the subjects’ recall of another list of words that was not included in the amnesia suggestion (Coe, Basden, Basden & Graham, 1976).

Some people think that the results of these experiments indicate that these very suggestible subjects are simply pretending. With no other evidence this is the best explanation. However, the further evidence that has accumulated has led most researchers to reject this explanation, although it is still entirely possible that some subjects may be pretending.

What seems to be happening in each of these experiments is that very suggestible subjects have the ability to exclude from consciousness awareness the explicit representation of the stimulus – hearing their voice, seeing the chair, or recalling the list of words. However, these stimuli are still implicitly registered in their behaviour and thinking in the usual way – their speech is affected by delayed auditory feedback, they avoid bumping into the chair, and the ‘forgotten’ material still interferes with new learning. This is a plausible way of understanding what is happening.”

Powerful stuff!

But there is a solution…

Here it is.

In every example he gives a suggestion presupposes awareness that contradicts the suggestion itself. If you tell me not to see a specific chair, then at some level I need to be aware of the chair in order not to see it! If I wasn’t aware of the chair at all, then how would I know what not to see? It’s like most of my clients who want their problem gone. But so long as that is their goal, they presuppose having the problem for eternity! You can’t know something is gone unless it exists at a minimum as an idea.

The same is true in the other 2 examples. In order for the subjects mind to process the suggestion, it has to be aware of what it’s supposed to be unaware of. Hence the ‘hidden observer’. The suggestion itself builds in that hidden observer!!

Here is how to really test it. Suggest that a subject is completely blind. Then see what happens.

Salter (1941 “What is Hypnosis”) talks about suggesting deafness and then firing a gun next to the subjects ear. The subject didn’t flinch.

Now if I’m correct (as the lemon test proves without doubt), that means we simply need to imagine a context vividly and the resulting response will be a hypnotic one.

This depends on 2 things.
1. A subject with a good imagination.
2. A hypnotist who gives good suggestions. Most hypnotists say ‘your arm is stuck’. Thats a bad suggestion (unless the subject has responded to that type of suggestion already). In that suggestion you hope the subject imagines your command to be true and therefore you get the result.
A good suggestion is one where you tell the subject to imagine the context “Imagine I’m in control of your reality”, and then ‘closes the door’ via imagination “imagine you are unable to control your imaginings, even this one”.

The rest is simple. The more we are dissociated from external reality, the better we imagine. As in a sensory deprivation tank, as in REM sleep. In hypnosis the subject is dissociated from external reality and very strongly associated to the reality of the hypnotist creating reality. Hence the zombie look you often see. It’s dissociation from external reality (excluding the hypnotist and what he suggests). And so an as I proved in Part 1.

Your thoughts?

Blindingly Fast Text Hypnosis

This is a text trance from a while back…

William and I had never met or spoken, but he did know that I was a hypnotist. He also had never before been hypnotized.

I would say it’s most probably the quickest tested hypnosis ever done via text (with no previous installed PHS).

It took 1 minute 20 seconds from the open until we got an IMR, and another 4 minutes 40 seconds until I got confirmation for a negative visual hallucination.

Study it and then go do it yourself!


[4/21/2009 3:11:34 PM] Joe says: try this, put your fingers
[4/21/2009 3:11:37 PM] Joe says: on two keys
[4/21/2009 3:11:43 PM] Joe says: one for yes
[4/21/2009 3:11:45 PM] Joe says: and one for no
[4/21/2009 3:11:49 PM] Joe says: got that now?
[4/21/2009 3:11:52 PM] William says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:12:00 PM] Joe says: so give me the signal for yes
[4/21/2009 3:12:02 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:12:07 PM] Joe says: good
[4/21/2009 3:12:12 PM] Joe says: and the signal for no
[4/21/2009 3:12:13 PM] William says: n
[4/21/2009 3:12:17 PM] Joe says: great
[4/21/2009 3:12:19 PM] Joe says: so now
[4/21/2009 3:12:26 PM] Joe says: I’m going to ask your unconscious
[4/21/2009 3:12:33 PM] Joe says: to automatically move that yes finger
[4/21/2009 3:12:37 PM] Joe says: and signal yes
[4/21/2009 3:12:42 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:12:43 PM] Joe says: don’t do it consciously
[4/21/2009 3:12:50 PM] Joe says: was that unconscious?
[4/21/2009 3:12:54 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:12:59 PM] Joe says: perfect
[4/21/2009 3:13:03 PM] Joe says: and you are in trance now
[4/21/2009 3:13:23 PM] Joe says: and unconscious, can you make him feel a nice warm feeling in his chest now?
[4/21/2009 3:13:28 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:13:42 PM] Joe says: and please do that now and signal when yes when its done
[4/21/2009 3:13:51 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:13:55 PM] Joe says: perfect
[4/21/2009 3:14:07 PM] Joe says: and can you have his conscious mind tune out here?
[4/21/2009 3:14:11 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:14:15 PM] Joe says: so we can communicate for his own good now?
[4/21/2009 3:14:20 PM] Joe says: and please do that now
[4/21/2009 3:14:22 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:14:25 PM] Joe says: and signal when done
[4/21/2009 3:14:29 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:14:32 PM] Joe says: great
[4/21/2009 3:14:50 PM] Joe says: and can you make it that anything in the (_) is only for you and is unimportant to his conscious mind?
[4/21/2009 3:14:56 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:15:18 PM] Joe says: and can you make it so unimportant to his conscious so that he doesn’t notice it at all consciously?
[4/21/2009 3:15:27 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:15:43 PM] Joe says: and he skips over it consciously easily and quickly and it feels so natural and easy
[4/21/2009 3:15:47 PM] Joe says: and it feels good
[4/21/2009 3:15:51 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:15:53 PM] Joe says: and if he doesn’t notice that
[4/21/2009 3:16:03 PM] Joe says: and please do that now and signal when done
[4/21/2009 3:16:10 PM] William says: y
[4/21/2009 3:16:14 PM] Joe says: thank you
[4/21/2009 3:16:46 PM] Joe says: and please wake him now feeling amazingly great with that effect in full force having him not notice
[4/21/2009 3:16:59 PM] Joe says: how was that William?
[4/21/2009 3:17:06 PM] William says: nice
[4/21/2009 3:17:09 PM] Joe says: nice
[4/21/2009 3:17:11 PM] William says: but what happened really?
[4/21/2009 3:17:16 PM] Joe says: 3 (4) 7 2 9
[4/21/2009 3:17:21 PM] Joe says: what numbers do you see?
[4/21/2009 3:17:22 PM] William says: 3629
[4/21/2009 3:17:32 PM] William says: i mean 3729
[4/21/2009 3:17:35 PM] Joe says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:18:08 PM] Joe says: (please make his name be lost to him for the next minute for his own good, and make him feel amazed by that now) it was trance
[4/21/2009 3:18:12 PM] Joe says: what is your name
[4/21/2009 3:18:19 PM] William says: William
[4/21/2009 3:18:21 PM] Joe says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:18:23 PM] Joe says: very good
[4/21/2009 3:18:53 PM] Joe says: (please stick his leg to the floor for his own enjoyment now and make him enjoy that now) perfect
[4/21/2009 3:18:57 PM] Joe says: and please try
[4/21/2009 3:19:02 PM] Joe says: to lift that eg
[4/21/2009 3:19:05 PM] Joe says: leg
[4/21/2009 3:19:11 PM] Joe says: how does that feel now?
[4/21/2009 3:19:23 PM] William says: i cant move my leg?
[4/21/2009 3:19:25 PM] Joe says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:19:30 PM] Joe says: are you in trance?
[4/21/2009 3:19:37 PM] William says: i dont know
[4/21/2009 3:19:41 PM] Joe says: hmmm
[4/21/2009 3:19:50 PM] Joe says: are you usually able to move that leg?
[4/21/2009 3:20:08 PM] William says: yes, but now it just stuck
[4/21/2009 3:20:18 PM] Joe says: (please make him forget his name for a minute now so he can fully enjoy the power of his mind) and how is that?
[4/21/2009 3:20:22 PM] Joe says: how is that?
[4/21/2009 3:20:28 PM] William says: strange
[4/21/2009 3:20:31 PM] Joe says: lets try your name again
[4/21/2009 3:20:34 PM] Joe says: what is it?
[4/21/2009 3:20:38 PM] William says: aa
[4/21/2009 3:20:39 PM] William says: wait
[4/21/2009 3:20:42 PM] Joe says: wait!
[4/21/2009 3:20:45 PM] Joe says: its gone!
[4/21/2009 3:20:49 PM] William says: no its not
[4/21/2009 3:20:52 PM] Joe says: lol
[4/21/2009 3:20:54 PM] William says: it just takes some time
[4/21/2009 3:20:56 PM] Joe says: what is it?
[4/21/2009 3:21:01 PM] William says: ahh
[4/21/2009 3:21:12 PM] Joe says: have you ever needed time to remember your name?
[4/21/2009 3:21:16 PM] William says: no
[4/21/2009 3:21:21 PM] Joe says: so are you in trance?
[4/21/2009 3:21:24 PM] William says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:21:28 PM] Joe says: wonderful
[4/21/2009 3:21:39 PM] Joe says: feels nice?
[4/21/2009 3:21:44 PM] William says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:21:51 PM] Joe says: (make him feel really really amazing now!) great
[4/21/2009 3:21:53 PM] Joe says: ahhh
[4/21/2009 3:21:56 PM] Joe says: that feels good!
[4/21/2009 3:22:05 PM] Joe says: you like that?
[4/21/2009 3:22:08 PM] William says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:22:10 PM] Joe says: great
[4/21/2009 3:22:20 PM] Joe says: so what would you like from trance?
[4/21/2009 3:23:08 PM] Joe says: (please make him feel a great want to go make a post on uncommon forum about being in trance as soon as we are done here for his own good) what would you like to experience?
[4/21/2009 3:23:11 PM] Joe says: what things
[4/21/2009 3:23:20 PM] William says: i dont know
[4/21/2009 3:23:31 PM] Joe says: (give him some ideas now please) Hmmm
[4/21/2009 3:23:34 PM] Joe says: any ideas?
[4/21/2009 3:23:39 PM] William says: maybe stuck in place?
[4/21/2009 3:23:43 PM] Joe says: okie
[4/21/2009 3:23:50 PM] Joe says: so are you stuck in place now?
[4/21/2009 3:23:57 PM] William says: not
[4/21/2009 3:24:33 PM] Joe says: (please make him stuck in place now with only his arms free) how about now?
[4/21/2009 3:24:38 PM] Joe says: stuck now?
[4/21/2009 3:24:44 PM] William says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:24:54 PM] Joe says: how cool is that?
[4/21/2009 3:24:59 PM] William says: weird
[4/21/2009 3:25:02 PM] Joe says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:25:21 PM] Joe says: 1 (3) 8 3 0 type the numbers you see please now
[4/21/2009 3:25:26 PM] William says: 1830
[4/21/2009 3:25:53 PM] Joe says: (please make him be able to see the 3 from the last message now) what happened?
[4/21/2009 3:26:03 PM] Joe says: you didn’t see the (_)!
[4/21/2009 3:26:12 PM] William says: wow i just noticed that now
[4/21/2009 3:26:14 PM] Joe says: lol
[4/21/2009 3:26:16 PM] Joe says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:26:31 PM] Joe says: (please remove all the effects now except for the (_) effect)
[4/21/2009 3:26:33 PM] Joe says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:26:35 PM] Joe says: very cool
[4/21/2009 3:26:40 PM] Joe says: your unstuck now
[4/21/2009 3:26:44 PM] Joe says: and the name is back
[4/21/2009 3:26:48 PM] William says: yes i feel my legs again
[4/21/2009 3:26:50 PM] Joe says: yes
[4/21/2009 3:26:53 PM] Joe says: okie
[4/21/2009 3:26:57 PM] Joe says: i gotta run
[4/21/2009 3:27:12 PM] Joe says: go make that post on the forum
[4/21/2009 3:27:16 PM] Joe says: 🙂
[4/21/2009 3:27:21 PM] William says: yes i was on it
[4/21/2009 3:27:24 PM] Joe says: okie
[4/21/2009 3:27:26 PM] William says: but how u know that?
[4/21/2009 3:27:28 PM] Joe says: see you later
[4/21/2009 3:27:29 PM] William says: :O
[4/21/2009 3:27:37 PM] Joe says: I told you to do it lol


Just a few things we all know, and maybe organized a bit differently….

How is it that some of us think that all and any effects we get are voluntary and that our subject can remove his response to the suggestion at will , yet others seem to feel that once a suggestion has been accepted then we can create a situation where the subject has no choice but to follow?

How is it that many times our subjects say “yeah I was playing along”, when we fully know that not the the case?

The key here is somnambulism. If you don’t have it, then your subjects might get control over their responses. They might feel that their responses are voluntary. If you do have it, unless you suggest something that is a really bad idea, your subject will go along and have no conscious control over their actions. You can create a bulletproof PHS and have it work regardless of the subjects willingness.

If you aren’t getting somnambulism you’re missing the boat.

What is somnambulism?
I understand it to be full bypass of the critical factor. So a light or medium state of hypnosis would be where the subject has reduced his critical thinking and analysis of your suggestions. Somnambulism is where there is zero critical factor and analytical interference.

How do we get it?
Some people (20%) will go there by themselves on the first go around. Those are the times we get some new dude who tries hypnosis and come back reporting that they got immediate invisibility and freeze effects. The lucky guy got one of those magic 20%.
For the other 80% we have to TRAIN them how to get to that state. It’s not a state that many of us are used to hanging out in, although it is extremely useful for learning new things. When you learn a new skill from an expert it is very helpful to put that analysis on hold completely until you have the skill down well.
How do we train them? Ah! This is the key question. The Elman induction is a great tool for this. The disappearing numbers are a state of blank non critical analysis. When we get them to the point where the #’s are gone they are by definition in somnambulism.

Remember to always go for somnambulism and you’ll find that it’s rather simple and well well worth the effort.

A Sample Text Hypnosis Session

Here is an example of a text trance with a non believer. I cleaned up the spelling and took a few insignificant parts out. This fellow wanted to experience being a dragon… so I gave that to him!

Notice the language, the structure, and most of all how everything is always “perfect”. The key here is projecting the confidence that it will work and that I’m the ’tist.

Initially the negative hallucination didn’t work, so I went right back to making it work until it did!

Comments are in bold.


[12:59:16 AM] Steve says: I don’t believe in hypnosis. I get in trance all the time but nothing ever happens afterwards. I can feel stuff during the trance, but when I wake up… nothing happens. D:
[12:59:21 AM] Steve says: Got any advice?
[1:17:16 AM] Steve says: So do you know the answer to my predicament?
[1:17:33 AM] Joe says: yes
[1:17:34 AM] Joe says: lol
[1:17:48 AM] Joe says: trance is easy
[1:18:02 AM] Joe says: and if you have a good skilled ’tist
[1:18:07 AM] Joe says: you will go under
[1:18:16 AM] Joe says: if you follow instructions
I establish right away that this WILL happen
[1:18:23 AM] Steve says: Well I mostly do files though. D:

[1:18:27 AM] Joe says: Ive had many many people like you

Same thing here
[1:18:33 AM] Joe says: lol
[1:18:44 AM] Steve says: And I am not very suggestive. XD
[1:18:46 AM] Joe says: files are no comparison to a live ’tist
[1:19:15 AM] Joe says: suggestive is an idea that people place too much importance in

Same here
[1:19:20 AM] Joe says: look
[1:19:26 AM] Joe says: have you ever daydreamed?
[1:19:32 AM] Steve says: Not really. XD
[1:19:44 AM] Joe says: have you ever driven and not concentrated the whole way?
[1:19:59 AM] Steve says: No. >>’

The standard answer to those question is “yes”. He is resisting me here so watch carefully what I do here.

[1:20:04 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:20:13 AM] Joe says: then you are very good at keeping focus
[1:20:25 AM] Joe says: which means you will go into trance very quickly and deeply now
[1:20:36 AM] Joe says: its that simple
[1:21:01 AM] Steve says: Yeah, but I mean nothing seems to work. I can focus and go into trance and all, but nothing happens afterward.
[1:21:24 AM] Joe says: of course not
[1:21:47 AM] Joe says: have you been going to a live master hypnotist?
[1:22:04 AM] Steve says: No. Just files. I really want to see if something works with you though. >>’
[1:22:47 AM] Steve says: That’s why I messaged you. :S
[1:22:50 AM] Joe says: of course it hasn’t been working
[1:22:55 AM] Joe says: gawsh
[1:23:07 AM] Joe says: we make the funniest generalizations sometimes

Once again setting the expectation
[1:23:56 AM] Joe says: well
[1:24:03 AM] Joe says: are you ready now?
[1:24:13 AM] Joe says: and free of distractions?

Focus is very important in trace
[1:24:19 AM] Steve says: Yeah. Do you want a webcam of me. XD
[1:24:25 AM] Joe says: hmmm
[1:24:32 AM] Joe says: I’ll start with text
[1:25:43 AM] Joe says: I first trance you
[1:25:48 AM] Joe says: then I wake you
[1:25:51 AM] Joe says: then we discuss
[1:25:55 AM] Joe says: what you want
[1:26:00 AM] Joe says: that is my standard procedure
[1:26:08 AM] Steve says: Ok. How do I sit? Both feet on floor or most comfortable?
[1:26:21 AM] Joe says: whichever works for you

I’m casual and confident here, I project that whatever happens it will work
[1:26:24 AM] Joe says: OK
[1:26:29 AM] Joe says: no distractions?
[1:26:32 AM] Steve says: Yep.
[1:26:58 AM] Joe says: good
[1:27:05 AM] Joe says: now put two fingers
[1:27:09 AM] Joe says: one on each key
[1:27:12 AM] Joe says: one for yes
[1:27:15 AM] Joe says: and one for no
[1:27:18 AM] Joe says: so you can signal me
[1:27:25 AM] Joe says: without looking at the keyboard
[1:27:28 AM] Joe says: ok?
[1:27:31 AM] Steve says: ok
[1:27:56 AM] Joe says: so signal yes please
[1:28:00 AM] Steve says: y
[1:28:02 AM] Joe says: good
[1:28:04 AM] Joe says: and no now
[1:28:20 AM] Steve says: n
[1:28:33 AM] Joe says: good

Setting the signals and the compliance momentum
[1:30:37 AM] Joe says: ok
[1:30:42 AM] Joe says: so in a moment
[1:31:04 AM] Joe says: I will type a color
[1:31:14 AM] Joe says: and when I type that color
[1:31:34 AM] Joe says: you will feel a pleasant feeling
[1:31:36 AM] Joe says: inside
[1:31:55 AM] Joe says: and when you begin to notice where that feeling begins

Notice all the presuppositions here (begin, notice, where it begins) that he will feel the feeling
[1:32:01 AM] Joe says: simply signal yes
[1:32:09 AM] Joe says: is that ok with you?
[1:32:11 AM] Steve says: y
[1:32:21 AM] Joe says: GREEN

I don’t get a response right away, so I build an altered state here with a change of focus
[1:32:41 AM] Joe says: that’s right
[1:32:46 AM] Joe says: as you breath
[1:32:55 AM] Joe says: and read these exact words
[1:32:59 AM] Joe says: and focus
[1:33:33 AM] Joe says: and those thoughts in your mind
[1:33:40 AM] Joe says: and GREEN
[1:33:55 AM] Joe says: and notice where that feeling would start

Almost saying he can imagine it by saying “where it WOULD start”
[1:33:58 AM] Joe says: inside
[1:34:10 AM] Joe says: maybe a tingling feeling now
[1:34:17 AM] Joe says: or a warm feeling
[1:34:26 AM] Joe says: or even a relaxing feeling
[1:34:48 AM] Joe says: or maybe that strange feeling of nothing happening inside

Covering all the options. At this point it has taken a long long time and I’m almost ready to change inductions. Often I get a response within 10 seconds.
[1:34:50 AM] Steve says: y

AH! Once I get this we are off to the races…
[1:34:54 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:35:00 AM] Joe says: and in a moment
[1:35:12 AM] Joe says: I will type another color
[1:35:23 AM] Joe says: and that feeling can spread
[1:35:36 AM] Joe says: and when you notice where its spreading
[1:35:42 AM] Joe says: simply signal yes
[1:35:46 AM] Joe says: is that ok?
[1:35:50 AM] Steve says: y
[1:35:53 AM] Joe says: ready now?
[1:35:55 AM] Steve says: y
[1:35:57 AM] Joe says: BLUE

I’m building his unconscious responses, this is the essence of hypnosis
[1:36:03 AM] Joe says: that’s right
[1:36:11 AM] Joe says: you are doing perfect
[1:36:20 AM] Joe says: and notice the speed
[1:36:25 AM] Joe says: of that now
[1:36:27 AM] Joe says: fast
[1:36:30 AM] Joe says: or slow
[1:36:40 AM] Joe says: or even maybe not moving yet
[1:36:55 AM] Joe says: or maybe moving without you noticing that now
[1:36:59 AM] Joe says: consciously
[1:37:02 AM] Steve says: y
[1:37:04 AM] Joe says: consciously
[1:37:07 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:37:13 AM] Joe says: and in a moment
[1:37:22 AM] Joe says: I will type another color
[1:37:36 AM] Joe says: and it will spread to the rest of the body
[1:37:43 AM] Joe says: and when you notice that
[1:37:48 AM] Joe says: simply signal
[1:37:57 AM] Joe says: is that ok with you now?
[1:37:59 AM] Steve says: y
[1:38:01 AM] Joe says: ready now?
[1:38:03 AM] Steve says: y
[1:38:09 AM] Joe says: ORANGE
[1:38:13 AM] Joe says: that’s right
[1:38:23 AM] Joe says: and that can feel good
[1:38:27 AM] Joe says: as you breath
[1:38:31 AM] Joe says: inside now
[1:38:35 AM] Joe says: and focus
[1:38:39 AM] Joe says: on that
[1:38:43 AM] Joe says: or this
[1:38:49 AM] Joe says: and moving noiw
[1:38:52 AM] Joe says: or fast
[1:38:56 AM] Joe says: or slowly
[1:39:05 AM] Joe says: or unconsciously
[1:39:13 AM] Joe says: and that’s perfect
[1:39:13 AM] Steve says: y
[1:39:17 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:39:34 AM] Joe says: and now I would like to talk to your unconscious mind
[1:39:42 AM] Joe says: is that ok with you?

It goes much smoother with permission, it breaks resistance. Notice how I used it earlier with the colors
[1:39:46 AM] Steve says: y
[1:39:53 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:40:27 AM] Joe says: unconscious mind: please give me the signal for yes by moving his finger when you are ready to communicate for his own good now
[1:40:32 AM] Joe says: and don’t do that consciously
[1:40:38 AM] Joe says: let it be unconsciously
[1:40:47 AM] Joe says: and it can take as little as 3 seconds now
[1:40:53 AM] Joe says: or as long as 7 seconds

Giving a choice with a time frame that is good and short
[1:40:59 AM] Steve says: y
[1:41:08 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:41:40 AM] Joe says: and unconscious mind, can you please send his conscious mind away into a pleasant memory while we talk so he wont disturb us?

Making life even easier
[1:41:50 AM] Steve says: y
[1:42:16 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:42:25 AM] Joe says: and please do that now and signal when its done
[1:42:33 AM] Joe says: it can be as short as 3 seconds
[1:42:37 AM] Joe says: or as long as 7
[1:42:41 AM] Joe says: to do that now

I ask it to do things and then I tell it to go ahead and do it. I find that it’s more powerful that way
[1:42:53 AM] Steve says: y
[1:42:59 AM] Joe says: thank you
[1:43:11 AM] Joe says: and unconscious mind
[1:43:43 AM] Joe says: can you make it that anything in the
(_) is not visible by his conscious and its only visible to you so I can communicate with you even better?
[1:43:54 AM] Steve says: y
[1:43:58 AM] Joe says: thank you
[1:44:07 AM] Joe says: and please do that now and signal when its done
[1:44:15 AM] Joe says: as short as 3 or as long as 7
[1:44:33 AM] Steve says: y
[1:44:39 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:45:19 AM] Joe says: and unconscious, in a moment I will type “awake”, please awaken him and make it that anything in the (_) is for you only, not his conscious. is that ok with you unconscious?
[1:45:29 AM] Steve says: y
[1:45:52 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:45:55 AM] Joe says: awake
[1:45:58 AM] Joe says: hi!
[1:46:03 AM] Steve says: Hey
[1:46:06 AM] Joe says: how are you feeling now?
[1:46:12 AM] Steve says: Pretty refreshed.
[1:46:16 AM] Joe says: 1 7 (8) 9 4
[1:46:20 AM] Joe says: what numbers do you see?
[1:46:38 AM] Joe says: quickly
[1:46:40 AM] Steve says: 1 7 8 9 4?
[1:46:43 AM] Joe says: type them now please
[1:46:49 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:46:58 AM] Joe says: and this time please type them quickly
[1:47:02 AM] Joe says: read them once
[1:47:05 AM] Joe says: ok?
[1:47:08 AM] Steve says: Ok.
[1:47:14 AM] Joe says: 3 (5) 8 3 0
[1:47:16 AM] Joe says: go
[1:47:20 AM] Joe says: type them now
[1:47:20 AM] Steve says: 3 5 8 3 0
[1:47:25 AM] Joe says: perfect

It didn’t work! I’m shocked here, but I go right back to setting it up again
[1:47:40 AM] Joe says: and please put your fingers on the signal keys now
[1:47:55 AM] Joe says: and give me the yes signal when they are on there
[1:47:59 AM] Steve says: y
[1:48:11 AM] Joe says: and unconscious please signal yes when you are ready to talk again
[1:48:15 AM] Joe says: 3 or 7 seconds
[1:48:28 AM] Steve says: y
[1:48:28 AM] Joe says: thank you
[1:48:39 AM] Joe says: and please signal when you have sent the conscious mind away
[1:48:43 AM] Joe says: into a memory
[1:48:45 AM] Joe says: 3 or 7
[1:49:02 AM] Joe says: thank you now
[1:49:13 AM] Joe says: and signal that when its done now
[1:49:17 AM] Joe says: 3 or 7 seconds
[1:49:24 AM] Joe says: it can take now
[1:49:31 AM] Steve says: y
[1:49:33 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:50:01 AM] Joe says: and unconscious, is it ok with you to make it that he cant see the things in the (_) consciously?
[1:50:11 AM] Joe says: the things in the parentheses
[1:50:15 AM] Steve says: y
[1:50:18 AM] Joe says: perfect
[1:50:28 AM] Joe says: and can you make that effect now and signal when done?
[1:50:34 AM] Joe says: 3 or 7 seconds
[1:50:53 AM] Steve says: y
[1:50:54 AM] Joe says: thanks
[1:51:19 AM] Joe says: and please make that effect so strong that he has no idea consciously what happened
[1:51:27 AM] Joe says: and this is for his own good
[1:51:32 AM] Joe says: is that ok with you?
[1:51:40 AM] Steve says: y
[1:52:10 AM] Joe says: and please signal when you have made the effect so strong that there is no way he can see or notice the things in the (_) consciously
[1:52:16 AM] Joe says: 3 or 7 seconds
[1:52:33 AM] Steve says: y
[1:52:42 AM] Joe says: so that when I type those numbers or those commands after he is awake he does not see them consciously
[1:52:52 AM] Joe says: and it feel natural to not see them
[1:52:56 AM] Joe says: and nothing is off
[1:53:01 AM] Joe says: and it feels fine
[1:53:07 AM] Joe says: so I can talk to you
[1:53:12 AM] Joe says: and you can do what you do
[1:53:18 AM] Joe says: for his own good
[1:53:33 AM] Joe says: and you can read those things
[1:53:39 AM] Joe says: in (_) and carry them out
[1:53:43 AM] Joe says: for his own good

“For his own good” helps a lot
[1:53:48 AM] Joe says: is that ok with you?
[1:53:53 AM] Steve says: y
[1:54:48 AM] Joe says: and please awaken him when you have made those things happen very very strongly, and have hm say “hello!” without realizing consciously what happened and without wanting to know what just happened
[1:54:55 AM] Steve says: Hello!
[1:54:58 AM] Joe says: hi
[1:55:02 AM] Joe says: so whats up!
[1:55:09 AM] Steve says: Not much.
[1:55:14 AM] Joe says: good
[1:55:20 AM] Joe says: and how was that memory
[1:55:24 AM] Joe says: pleasant?
[1:55:27 AM] Steve says: Yep.
[1:55:30 AM] Joe says: good
[1:55:49 AM] Joe says: 9 (3) 4 3 2 2 2 (3) 9
[1:55:59 AM] Joe says: what numbers do you see
[1:56:01 AM] Joe says: quickly
[1:56:04 AM] Joe says: type them
[1:56:05 AM] Steve says: 9 4 3 2 2 2 9
[1:56:21 AM] Joe says: perfect
[2:00:47 AM] Joe says: (make his leg stuck to the floor now please for his own good) ok do this now, breath in
[2:00:50 AM] Joe says: and out
[2:00:53 AM] Joe says: and in
[2:00:57 AM] Joe says: and out
[2:01:07 AM] Joe says: and try to lift both legs
[2:01:15 AM] Joe says: what are you finding?
[2:01:27 AM] Steve says: I can’t move my legs. D:
[2:01:29 AM] Joe says: good
[2:01:33 AM] Joe says: are you in hypnosis?
[2:02:03 AM] Joe says: (please make him lose his name now for 1 minute for his own good) and what is your name now?
[2:02:09 AM] Joe says: try to remember it
[2:02:13 AM] Joe says: type
[2:02:15 AM] Joe says: now
[2:02:23 AM] Steve says: I dunno. D:
[2:02:34 AM] Joe says: are you in trance?
[2:03:23 AM] Joe says: (when I type the word “close” have him close his eyes for 30 seconds and make him experience the feeling of being a dragon and make it feel like 30 minutes) type now
[2:03:29 AM] Joe says: are you in trance?
[2:03:42 AM] Joe says: 🙂
[2:03:53 AM] Steve says: I guess. I am relaxed.
[2:04:10 AM] Joe says: well would you say that name amnesia means you are in trance?
[2:04:20 AM] Joe says: is that something “working”?
[2:04:22 AM] Joe says: lol
[2:04:27 AM] Steve says: I don’t know. I could only remember the first letter.
[2:04:35 AM] Joe says: and is that normal?
[2:04:40 AM] Steve says: No. D:
[2:04:50 AM] Joe says: so what does that mean?
[2:04:56 AM] Steve says: I am?
[2:04:58 AM] Joe says: its an easy question 😀
[2:05:00 AM] Joe says: easy
[2:05:05 AM] Joe says: lol
[2:05:06 AM] Joe says: yes
[2:05:09 AM] Joe says: and very deep
[2:05:17 AM] Joe says: type the time now
[2:05:28 AM] Steve says: 1:03 AM
[2:05:34 AM] Joe says: CLOSE
[2:05:44 AM] Joe says: when you see this please type “back”
[2:06:23 AM] Steve says: Back
[2:06:29 AM] Joe says: how long was that?
[2:06:44 AM] Steve says: I dunno. Felt like 30 minutes. :O
[2:06:52 AM] Joe says: what time is it?
[2:06:57 AM] Steve says: 1:04 AM.
[2:07:11 AM] Joe says: look at the time you wrote before you did that
[2:07:13 AM] Joe says: 😀
[2:07:21 AM] Joe says: are you in trance?
[2:07:22 AM] Steve says: :S
[2:07:24 AM] Steve says: Yes.
[2:07:27 AM] Joe says: lol
[2:07:30 AM] Joe says: yes indeed
[2:07:46 AM] Joe says: so how was it
[2:07:50 AM] Joe says: being a dragon
[2:08:03 AM] Steve says: Pretty exhilirating. 😀
[2:11:33 AM] Joe says: so are you in hypnosis?
[2:11:38 AM] Steve says: Yes.
[2:11:43 AM] Joe says: from a scale of one to ten
[2:11:47 AM] Joe says: how deep are you?
[2:12:06 AM] Steve says: Uh… I dunno feels like 4 but I am probably at 10.
[2:12:40 AM] Joe says: (when I type “see” please make him see a small dragon walking on his keyboard) good! you are learning how this works
[2:12:42 AM] Joe says: lol
[2:12:48 AM] Joe says: having fun?
[2:12:52 AM] Steve says: Yeah.
[2:13:03 AM] Joe says: by the way you are at a 13 😀
[2:13:09 AM] Steve says: :O
[2:13:19 AM] Joe says: ok look at this now
[2:13:20 AM] Joe says: SEE
[2:13:33 AM] Joe says: type what you see now
[2:13:50 AM] Steve says: I saw a brown thing run across my keyboard really fast! D:
[2:14:13 AM] Joe says: (this time make it walk slowly and have it stay around for him to examine closely) good!
[2:14:17 AM] Joe says: what was it?
[2:14:28 AM] Steve says: I don’t really know. x_x
[2:14:32 AM] Joe says: ah ok
[2:14:35 AM] Joe says: look close now
[2:14:36 AM] Joe says: SEE
[2:14:52 AM] Joe says: type what you see now
[2:15:09 AM] Steve says: I saw a brown bat-thing run back across, hide and look up at me. :O
[2:15:17 AM] Joe says: and what is it?
[2:15:30 AM] Steve says: Looked like a miniature dragon. XD
[2:15:37 AM] Joe says: its still there?
[2:15:42 AM] Steve says: Yeah/
[2:15:49 AM] Joe says: talk to it
[2:15:56 AM] Joe says: it will answer in dragon language
[2:16:03 AM] Joe says: and you will understand it now
[2:16:09 AM] Joe says: what did it say?
[2:16:26 AM] Steve says: It said it was scared. x3
[2:16:35 AM] Joe says: well talk to it
[2:16:39 AM] Joe says: calm it down
[2:16:42 AM] Joe says: pet it
[2:16:47 AM] Joe says: let it go on your arm
[2:17:11 AM] Joe says: tell me whats going on
[2:17:29 AM] Steve says: I let it run up my arm and it’s on my neck. :]
[2:18:13 AM] Steve says: But it’s weird it’s all flickery. :[
[2:18:46 AM] Joe says: (have him enjoy it for 10 minutes now typing whats going on) ok……
[2:19:29 AM] Steve says: And I can’t really feel it either, not really see it and it feels like it is talking telepathically like in the movie Eragon. x3
[2:24:00 AM] Steve says: And now it’s gone. Is that bad? :[
[2:24:32 AM] Joe says: perfect

Turning Nothing Into Something

So I was hypnotizing a friend the other day and I was working on name amnesia. I gave him the suggestion, woke him, and asked for his name.

He opens his eyes….. and he actually WAS able to say his name after a second. Big problem!!

But remember, if you are THE HYPNOTIST then everything always works and we use whatever we get to plow on. So what did I do?

I pointed out to him that it did take him a full second to remember his name, and showed him how everyone else remembered their names right away without a seconds delay.

Once he realized that and agreed, I told him that 2 seconds are just 1 plus 1 seconds, and if he drew a blank for one second then he could draw a blank for 1 plus one seconds. So I tested it, and it took him 2 seconds! Then we doubled that. And tested. And doubled that. And tested. And doubled that and tested. So it took him 16 SECONDS to remember his name!!

And we now had name amnesia!

The point is, even if it doesn’t “work” MAKE BELIEVE IT DID and grab any little tiny part of it that worked and then double that effect. And double that……

Remember, be THE HYPNOTIST!

Happy Trancing!