What is hypnosis Part 4, Trance and Hypnosis

Lets talk about trance and hypnosis now.

I mentioned earlier that sensory deprivation tanks help enhance imagination. I also theorized that this is the basis of dreaming (we are disociated from external reality much like in a sensory deprivation tank).

And it’s quite simple. The less external input someone has, the more they can respond to other input.

And so based on that, let’s give a very simple definition of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is when the subject checks out of other stimulus and checks in to the hypnotist.

And it’s not about conscious concentration… it’s about focus below the level of consciousness. All those automatic patterns and responsiveness, thats what we want focused and responsive to us.

There are a few ways of creating that. One obviously is when they respond to your suggestion. That creates a forward momentum of them checking in to you and checking out of other stuff.

Another way is by ‘deepening’. As a good subject once mentioned in an online discussion group, that can often creates a stronger and more absolute focus/fascination/responsiveness on the hypnotist.

Focus/fascination/absorption/responsiveness is a zero sum game. When two stimuli conflict (the physical heaviness of the arm vs the suggested lightness) one will win. The more we can dissociate the subject from external reality and stimuli, the more ‘space’ there is for the hypnotist to take over.

And so dissociation from external stimuli (trance) and association to the hypnotist (‘hypnotic’ trance) CREATES higher responsiveness to suggestion.

And thats why a lot of subjects get very still. Very not-smooth in their speech and behavior as well. All of those automatic and not-conscious response patterns are now dissociated to the normal external reality they usually respond to and are now responding to the hypnotist.

This is what the old time hypnotists called rapport. Responsiveness to the hypnotist to the detriment of other responsiveness.

And thats why emotion is so useful. When we are emotionally aroused, all of our responsiveness (the not-conscious patterns as well) become focused. And so it’s quite easy to hijack that focus and responsiveness and place it on the hypnotist.

Your thoughts?

What is Hypnosis Part 3, James Tripp Responds

Here is a recent discussion James Tripp and I had via email.

James is a master hypnotist and changework artist. Go check out his work. It will be well worth your time and money.

What do you think?

James Tripp:

OK, I think we are on a similar page (maybe).

I would agree that state shifts are part of hypnosis… that state shifts must happen, otherwise NOTHING has happened! For me, hypnosis is the process of shifting/attenuating/amplifying ‘state’… although it is really the experienced reality that is my focus rather than the state.

I totally agree that that dissociation thing just isn’t it. If anything, ASSOCIATION is what is more important! How richly the subject associates into the experience.

I agree also that dreams are not a special thing – IMO they are our brain doing what it does all day long, shaping our experience. When we ‘dream’ the external data-feed is switched off so we can spin out more creatively. In hypnosis the external data-feed is not always switched off, but we do get to influence what data is paid attention to, and also how it is interpreted. We can utilise it and make it part of a new experience of reality. So state shifts as attention shifts.

Al the very best


My response:


It’s dissociation from one stimulus and association into another. Responsiveness is a zero sum game.

The thing is that dissociation from external experience (while maintaining awareness) IS a special state (measurable on a brain scan) sometimes. It’s called REM and hypnogogia.

And so it’s entirely possible that using suggestion and relaxation we can is some cases put someone into that measurable state. Hence they tune out unimportant external stimulus (anything but the hypnotist), and the hypnotist becomes their reality.

You (James) do it primarily by increasing association to the hypnotist. As a side effect they dissociate from external things. Awareness is a zero sum game. Jon (Chase) however goes the other way. He dissociates them from external things. Then there is the space for the hypnotist to be reality.

As REM is a special state, Jon sees this level of dissociation from external reality to also be a special state. A bit ‘lighter’ then sleep, but quite close. As Elman says.

And so realize that relaxation helps you! It dissociates them from external stuff and therefore they can associate into you the hypnotist. Thats also the idea of ‘deeper deeper’. It means ‘deeper inside and away from regular external existence’. That creates space for the hypnotist.

And so we’re all one happy family!


What is Hypnosis Part 2, De-constructing Heap

Michael Heap has written a wonderful article on hypnosis. You can find it here.

I think that it’s a wonderful article. Heap comes very very close to understanding hypnosis.

In light of my recent understandings I’ll now show where he’s wrong.

Read the Heap article first. Without it you won’t quite understand what I’m talking about here.


Heap talks about the importance of automaticity. And thats great. However he struggles to understand how that automaticity is created. Here is a quote

“There appears to be a consensus amongst academic psychologists who study hypnosis that any theory of hypnosis must account for the subjective experiences of involuntariness and realism that the suggestible subject finds so powerful.

One line of approach that is now popular is to consider that when responding to suggestion, the highly suggestible person is able to exclude from conscious awareness elements of the experience that would normally be available to consciousness. For example, when I raise my arm I am conscious of my arm lifting up and my intention to lift my arm. If however I am able to exclude from conscious representation my intention to lift my arm, it will seem to me that my arm is “lifting on its own”, i.e. involuntarily.

Similarly, if I am given the suggestion that my best friend is standing in front of me, I may make the effort to imagine him, to think of his voice, to imagine my feelings on seeing him, and so on. If I can remove from consciousness awareness the effort and intention that I make in creating this experience, then it will seem more like my friend is really there. To develop these ideas we can and indeed must – use models and theories from mainstream cognitive psychology and neuroscience.”

So Heaps solution to automaticity is the exclusion from awareness that I am choosing to do the act.

I find this absurd.

Classic conditioning has long ago proven that we can condition a reflex. And so if I hit your knee with a hammer a few times and at the same time I ring a bell, and then I only ring the bell, it will automatically and involuntarily twitch (Twitmyer, E. B. (1905). Knee jerks without simulation of the patellar tendon. Psychological Bulletin2, 43.)! In that case you don’t postulate that the person has decided to twitch the knee but has excluded that knowledge from awareness. Salter (1941) talks about using classical conditioning to condition pupil dilation. Would Heap argue that this is also voluntary but excluded from conscious awareness?!

And so once we have shown true automaticity, let me give you another example. One which Heap brings earlier in the paper.

The lemon test. If you imagine a lemon vividly enough you start to salivate.

I once again ask, is the secretion of saliva a voluntary act which you excluding from conscious awareness?!

Now of course you voluntarily imagined the lemon which then led to the saliva, but the saliva itself is involuntary. Salivating is something you can’t do it voluntarily and on command!

And so we have proven a key key point. And that is “If I imagine a context for which there is an appropriate response, that response will involuntarily be elicited”. And so you can’t vividly imagine the lemon without salivating. And therefore, so long as you imagine the lemon, the saliva is involuntary.

With that in mind, explaining an arm lift that happens without effort is rather simple. So long as you imagine a context in which that response is appropriate (helium balloons), the arm will respond with true automaticity.

Now lets take it further. Let’s say you imagine a context in which every response happens. Like the idea that the hypnotists is in full control. In that case, so long as you continued to imagine that, then responding to the hypnotist would be genuine, automatic, and involuntary. The only solution you would have would be to stop imagining that the hypnotist was in control.

And so here is the final step. Lets say you imagined that the hypnotist is in control, and you also imagined that you have no control over any of your imagining. In that case, there would be an automatic response of being unable to stop imagining this reality! And so you are genuinely and truly stuck! We have closed the door or stopping to imagine via imagination! We have closed the loop!

THAT is what hypnosis is. True honest automaticity.

Lets move on in Heaps words.

“Let me now describe three experiments and challenge you to think about the possible explanations in terms similar to those I have just described.

Hypnotically suggestible subjects when given the suggestion that they cannot see a chair in front of them may report convincingly that they cannot see anything. Yet when asked to walk across to the other side of the room they walk around the chair. People who are told that they must only ‘pretend to be hypnotised’ usually bump into the chair (Orne, 1962).

Secondly we suggest to some very suggestible subjects that they can no longer hear their own voices. In the case of those who respond to this suggestion we then ask them to speak into a microphone that is connected to an amplifier and a pair of headphones that the subject wears. The amplifier causes a delay of say half a second in the subject’s speech that he hears through the headphones. This is called ‘delayed auditory feedback’ and it is very difficult for people to speak coherently when at the same time they are hearing their voices delayed for a fraction of a second

What happens to those subjects who insist that they cannot hear their voice? With delayed auditory feedback their speech is disrupted as under normal conditions (Barber & Calverley, 1964)!

Finally, subjects learn a list of words and are then told that they cannot remember any of these words until a signal is given. Some very suggestible subjects may report complete or almost complete amnesia for the words. However they still show a characteristic electroencephalographic response when presented with words that appeared on the list Allen, Iacono, Laravuso, & Dunn, 1995; Schnyer & Allen, 1995) and this material still interferes with the subjects’ recall of another list of words that was not included in the amnesia suggestion (Coe, Basden, Basden & Graham, 1976).

Some people think that the results of these experiments indicate that these very suggestible subjects are simply pretending. With no other evidence this is the best explanation. However, the further evidence that has accumulated has led most researchers to reject this explanation, although it is still entirely possible that some subjects may be pretending.

What seems to be happening in each of these experiments is that very suggestible subjects have the ability to exclude from consciousness awareness the explicit representation of the stimulus – hearing their voice, seeing the chair, or recalling the list of words. However, these stimuli are still implicitly registered in their behaviour and thinking in the usual way – their speech is affected by delayed auditory feedback, they avoid bumping into the chair, and the ‘forgotten’ material still interferes with new learning. This is a plausible way of understanding what is happening.”

Powerful stuff!

But there is a solution…

Here it is.

In every example he gives a suggestion presupposes awareness that contradicts the suggestion itself. If you tell me not to see a specific chair, then at some level I need to be aware of the chair in order not to see it! If I wasn’t aware of the chair at all, then how would I know what not to see? It’s like most of my clients who want their problem gone. But so long as that is their goal, they presuppose having the problem for eternity! You can’t know something is gone unless it exists at a minimum as an idea.

The same is true in the other 2 examples. In order for the subjects mind to process the suggestion, it has to be aware of what it’s supposed to be unaware of. Hence the ‘hidden observer’. The suggestion itself builds in that hidden observer!!

Here is how to really test it. Suggest that a subject is completely blind. Then see what happens.

Salter (1941 “What is Hypnosis”) talks about suggesting deafness and then firing a gun next to the subjects ear. The subject didn’t flinch.

Now if I’m correct (as the lemon test proves without doubt), that means we simply need to imagine a context vividly and the resulting response will be a hypnotic one.

This depends on 2 things.
1. A subject with a good imagination.
2. A hypnotist who gives good suggestions. Most hypnotists say ‘your arm is stuck’. Thats a bad suggestion (unless the subject has responded to that type of suggestion already). In that suggestion you hope the subject imagines your command to be true and therefore you get the result.
A good suggestion is one where you tell the subject to imagine the context “Imagine I’m in control of your reality”, and then ‘closes the door’ via imagination “imagine you are unable to control your imaginings, even this one”.

The rest is simple. The more we are dissociated from external reality, the better we imagine. As in a sensory deprivation tank, as in REM sleep. In hypnosis the subject is dissociated from external reality and very strongly associated to the reality of the hypnotist creating reality. Hence the zombie look you often see. It’s dissociation from external reality (excluding the hypnotist and what he suggests). And so an as I proved in Part 1.

Your thoughts?

Covert Text Hypnosis

Here is a beautiful example of a covert arm levitation via IM. The subject new he was being hypnotized, but did not know that I was making his arm lift. When I revealed that to him, he was blown away.

There’s a lot of therapeutic stuff here as well, so read it carefully and get what you can out of it.

Enjoy and Share,


[4:06:37 PM] craig galvin: u ever been hypnotised
[4:06:59 PM] Jake: In a sense, yes?
[4:07:03 PM] craig galvin: formally
[4:07:06 PM] craig galvin: with an induction
[4:07:10 PM] craig galvin: not just day to day stuff
[4:07:37 PM] Jake: Joe tried to zap me, but I “refused to let him speak to my unconscious” over skype.
[4:07:56 PM] craig galvin: i believe consciously they will expect something, BUT, the minute u fire their imagination and get something happening, it then responds at an unconscious level,.
[4:08:06 PM] craig galvin: why did u refuse
[4:08:34 PM] Jake: Because, I didn’t believe it would work and I kinda’ got a bit aggravated over the whole “unconscious stuff”.
[4:09:04 PM] craig galvin: so, ok
[4:09:10 PM] craig galvin: you didnt believe it would work
[4:09:12 PM] Jake: In my mind I was just like, “Zap me already”, stop with all the conscious/unconscious stuff”.
[4:09:16 PM] craig galvin: yet you are studying the field of hypnosis
[4:09:18 PM] craig galvin: correct
[4:09:34 PM] Jake: Correct.
[4:09:45 PM] Jake: I’m building my beliefs with what will work.
[4:09:47 PM] craig galvin: ok so does it matter, whether its face to face,
[4:09:51 PM] craig galvin: online
[4:09:52 PM] craig galvin: or in a shop
[4:10:12 PM] Jake: Not really, as long as I am receptive to his suggestion.
[4:10:18 PM] craig galvin: ok, so
[4:10:33 PM] craig galvin: you are studying it, and as long as u r receptive to his suggestion or anyones,
[4:10:36 PM] craig galvin: u would agree to do it
[4:10:39 PM] craig galvin: correct?
[4:10:46 PM] Jake: Probably.
[4:11:01 PM] Jake: I’m willing to believe that I’m cool when someone tells me that I am.
[4:11:04 PM] craig galvin: ok, so how about if the suggestion was just to let u experience what it feels like
[4:11:11 PM] craig galvin: because that benefits you how?
[4:11:15 PM] Jake: So, why not other things such as I feel relaxed when they suggest to me I am.
[4:11:39 PM] craig galvin: ok jake let me ask you one question
[4:11:46 PM] Jake: Shoot.
[4:11:51 PM] craig galvin: and its not meant to be personal or a dig in any way
[4:11:54 PM] craig galvin: ok let me clear that up first
[4:12:01 PM] Jake: No offense will be taken.
[4:12:04 PM] craig galvin: cool
[4:12:17 PM] craig galvin: you said
[4:12:27 PM] craig galvin: you are building a belief with what you believe will work
[4:12:28 PM] craig galvin: yes
[4:12:35 PM] Jake: Yes.
[4:12:38 PM] craig galvin: ok cool
[4:12:50 PM] craig galvin: so how do u know it may not work, if u r only just starting to study it?
[4:12:55 PM] craig galvin: isnt that a limiting belief,
[4:12:57 PM] craig galvin: ?
[4:13:16 PM] Jake: I suppose that is the path to understanding.
[4:13:26 PM] craig galvin: so if u were to limit urself
[4:13:26 PM] Jake: I ask questions because I am ignorant.
[4:13:37 PM] craig galvin: either knowingly or unknowingly
[4:13:45 PM] craig galvin: on some level
[4:13:52 PM] Jake: Mhmm.
[4:13:56 PM] craig galvin: would u want to open that door and see what is behind it?
[4:14:02 PM] craig galvin: to expand that knowledge?
[4:14:16 PM] Jake: I say that I do.
[4:14:26 PM] craig galvin: so you say that you do
[4:14:27 PM] craig galvin: ok
[4:14:29 PM] craig galvin: so what
[4:14:31 PM] craig galvin: if anything
[4:14:36 PM] craig galvin: if u were to imagine something that would say
[4:14:41 PM] craig galvin: YES this is what i need to do this
[4:14:49 PM] craig galvin: what would come to mind now?
[4:14:53 PM] craig galvin: anything
[4:15:10 PM] Jake: Do it, try it, repeat it.
[4:15:33 PM] Jake: If it doesn’t work, ask people who might know the cause of such.
[4:15:50 PM] Jake: Try it again, after trouble shooting.
[4:16:08 PM] Jake: Then develop it in a manner that might work.
[4:16:19 PM] Jake: Well, at least I would, if I knew how, of course
[4:16:22 PM] Jake: course*
[4:16:33 PM] craig galvin: ok cool
[4:16:37 PM] craig galvin: so do it
[4:16:38 PM] craig galvin: try it
[4:16:40 PM] craig galvin: repeat it
[4:16:44 PM] craig galvin: ask questions
[4:16:45 PM] craig galvin: trouble shoot
[4:16:49 PM] craig galvin: all makes for a good base
[4:17:07 PM] craig galvin: so in saying all that
[4:17:12 PM] craig galvin: what stops u from doing it on here?
[4:17:23 PM] Jake: I think, mainly, that hypnosis has just set me into a existential crisis.
[4:18:17 PM] Jake: I might have resisted because I want to be right and not to be proven wrong, in a sense.
[4:18:36 PM] craig galvin: ah ok,
[4:18:51 PM] craig galvin: so you want to not be proven wrong
[4:18:58 PM] craig galvin: and what would that wrong be like if it were to happen
[4:19:05 PM] craig galvin: how do u think that would feel
[4:19:18 PM] Jake: Defeated, yet enlightened.
[4:19:32 PM] Jake: Like a brand new beginning after a long journey.
[4:20:15 PM] craig galvin: i see because
[4:20:22 PM] Jake: Elrond: “Frodo bring the ring to Mordor, now.”
[4:20:22 PM] craig galvin: we all take journeys
[4:20:31 PM] craig galvin: ones which are long ones which are short
[4:20:52 PM] craig galvin: but if we choose to deny what we are being told and go on a base of knowledge which at the moment isnt correct or incorrect
[4:20:59 PM] craig galvin: just indifferent, we stay in the same place
[4:21:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: Jake
[4:21:07 PM] Jake: This is true.
[4:21:10 PM] Jake: Hey.
[4:21:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: Step into the defeated
[4:21:20 PM] Joe K Fobes: deep inside that sense
[4:21:20 PM] craig galvin: ah the master has returned
[4:21:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: lol
[4:21:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: I like that defeated
[4:21:34 PM] Jake: I want to.
[4:21:36 PM] Joe K Fobes: step into it
[4:21:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: be there now
[4:21:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: as if you had been proven utterly wrong
[4:21:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: imagine that this has happened
[4:21:59 PM] Jake: Mmmk.
[4:22:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: that you truly believed youre dead wrong
[4:22:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: proven
[4:22:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: no doubt
[4:22:18 PM] Joe K Fobes: how do you feel now
[4:22:23 PM] Jake: Horrible.
[4:22:25 PM] Joe K Fobes: awesome
[4:22:31 PM] Joe K Fobes: now go deeper into that horrible
[4:22:39 PM] Joe K Fobes: all the frickin way inside
[4:22:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: until
[4:22:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: it cant get any worse
[4:22:55 PM] Jake: May I cry?
[4:23:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: hell yes
[4:23:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: let go
[4:23:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: utterly
[4:23:08 PM] Jake: alright
[4:23:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: go all the way inside
[4:23:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: till you cant go any further
[4:23:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: and now shut up
[4:23:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: shut that voice up
[4:23:32 PM] Joe K Fobes: the inside one
[4:23:35 PM] Joe K Fobes: stop all the words
[4:23:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: and feel the feeling
[4:23:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: horrible
[4:23:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: nothing to protect you
[4:23:59 PM] Joe K Fobes: just you and the feeling
[4:24:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: and do nothing
[4:24:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: just experience it
[4:24:13 PM] Joe K Fobes: in every single cell of your body
[4:24:15 PM] Jake: i dont want to.
[4:24:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: do you trust me?
[4:24:33 PM] Jake: yes.
[4:24:35 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[4:24:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: I swear
[4:24:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: this will be good
[4:24:45 PM] Jake: alright.
[4:24:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: now go
[4:24:53 PM] Joe K Fobes: no barriers
[4:24:57 PM] Joe K Fobes: no stopping
[4:24:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: go inside
[4:25:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: all the way
[4:25:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: and so nothing in there
[4:25:08 PM] Joe K Fobes: just exist
[4:25:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: you and the feeling
[4:25:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: noting else
[4:25:21 PM] Joe K Fobes: no silly words to help you
[4:25:25 PM] Joe K Fobes: no running away
[4:25:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: and sit there
[4:25:32 PM] Joe K Fobes: and try to make it worse
[4:25:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: try to double it
[4:25:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: and can it get worse? or is it the worst possible?
[4:26:07 PM] Jake: it can get worse
[4:26:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[4:26:12 PM] Joe K Fobes: make it worse
[4:26:18 PM] Joe K Fobes: until its as bad as it can be
[4:26:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: because this is going to open you up
[4:26:33 PM] Joe K Fobes: now do it
[4:26:39 PM] Joe K Fobes: and say ‘worst’ when its there
[4:26:53 PM] Jake: worst
[4:26:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: perfect\
[4:27:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: and can it get any worse?
[4:27:04 PM] Jake: no
[4:27:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[4:27:10 PM] Joe K Fobes: and now sit there
[4:27:13 PM] Joe K Fobes: feeling this feeling
[4:27:19 PM] Joe K Fobes: the worst you can feel
[4:27:23 PM] Joe K Fobes: the thing you have dreaded
[4:27:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: all this time
[4:27:32 PM] Joe K Fobes: the fear you have had of this
[4:27:36 PM] Joe K Fobes: how you built it up in your mind
[4:27:45 PM] Joe K Fobes: and notice how its a sensation
[4:27:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: you still exist
[4:27:53 PM] Joe K Fobes: youre still alive
[4:28:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: this feeling isnt you
[4:28:03 PM] Joe K Fobes: you are you
[4:28:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: and this feeling is this feeling
[4:28:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: and as you realize that
[4:28:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: realize how easily
[4:28:25 PM] Joe K Fobes: it can drift away
[4:28:33 PM] Joe K Fobes: like a cloud on a windy day
[4:28:40 PM] Joe K Fobes: or butter melting in the hot sun
[4:28:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: the moment you notice the sensation
[4:28:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: of your hands
[4:29:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: the temperature of the air in the room
[4:29:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: this feeling
[4:29:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: begins to float away
[4:29:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: and youre still alive
[4:29:20 PM] Joe K Fobes: and how the worst
[4:29:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: is just a feeling
[4:29:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: that your body creates
[4:29:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: it feels real
[4:29:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: looks real
[4:29:39 PM] Joe K Fobes: sounds real
[4:29:45 PM] Joe K Fobes: and its a feeling
[4:29:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: and take that deep breath
[4:30:01 PM | Edited 4:30:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: and feel that wonderful body of yours
[4:30:12 PM] Joe K Fobes: get that shift
[4:30:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: inside
[4:30:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: deeply
[4:30:21 PM] Joe K Fobes: and what are you feeling now
[4:30:45 PM] Joe K Fobes: as that feeling finally washes away
[4:30:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: washing out of you
[4:30:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: totally and completely
[4:31:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: you have met the worst
[4:31:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: and youre still here
[4:31:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: and how are you feeling at this moment
[4:31:13 PM] Joe K Fobes: ?
[4:31:32 PM] Jake: Relieved, glad, and calm.
[4:31:35 PM] Joe K Fobes: indeed
[4:31:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: now
[4:31:38 PM] Jake: Hopeful.
[4:31:45 PM] Joe K Fobes: think about being proven wrong
[4:31:51 PM] Joe K Fobes: and how does that feel?
[4:32:14 PM] Jake: Not bad.
[4:32:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: not bad
[4:32:26 PM] Jake: Just another feeling.
[4:32:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: does it bother you at all?
[4:32:48 PM] Jake: No, not at this moment.
[4:33:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: not at this moment
[4:33:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: interesting
[4:33:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: you know
[4:33:18 PM] Joe K Fobes: isnt it weird
[4:33:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: how we feel all this fear
[4:33:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: of stuff
[4:33:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: and then
[4:33:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: it happens
[4:33:31 PM] Joe K Fobes: we do it
[4:33:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: and its like
[4:33:43 PM] Joe K Fobes: ‘that wasnt that bad after all…’
[4:33:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: ever had that type of experience?
[4:33:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: I had it once
[4:33:56 PM] Jake: Yes.
[4:34:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: jumping off a cliff into a river…
[4:34:08 PM] Joe K Fobes: and where did you have it?
[4:36:25 PM] Jake: When I was in middle school, I was mean. A horrible bully because I didn’t want to open up to people. I didn’t really care if they liked me or not or if I was wrong or right.

But, this girl was in trouble with a couple other bullies. She was crying, so I thought about what I’ve been doing.
[4:36:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: mhmm
[4:36:46 PM] Jake: If any of it was really worth it.
[4:36:54 PM] Jake: Not opening up to people, not caring.
[4:37:06 PM] Jake: It was so easy, not to do something.
[4:37:37 PM] Jake: I wanted to be more, but I was stuck in this stasis of meanness.
[4:37:55 PM] Jake: My shell made of fear.
[4:38:01 PM] Joe K Fobes: mhmm
[4:38:06 PM] Jake: I don’t know, I decided to help her.
[4:38:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: and then what happened
[4:38:30 PM] Jake: I guess because I knew I couldn’t keep this barrier up all the time.
[4:38:44 PM] Jake: Eventually I would have to answer to my evils.
[4:38:53 PM] Jake: So I broke it down, I decided to help.
[4:39:01 PM] Jake: Because she needed help.
[4:39:12 PM] Joe K Fobes: and then what happened
[4:39:49 PM] Jake: She knew me as someone who was horrible.
[4:40:16 PM] Jake: So she didn’t thank me, but just nodded and walked away.
[4:40:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: mhmm
[4:40:37 PM] Jake: I felt crushed. I finally did something good, but no thanks was given.
[4:40:48 PM] Jake: And that night I didn’t go to bed.
[4:41:11 PM] Jake: I could only think, “What was the point if I wasn’t going to get thanked?”
[4:41:44 PM] Jake: And I thought about it all that week.
[4:41:57 PM] Jake: And I realized, I didn’t really like being mean.
[4:42:01 PM] Jake: I just liked hiding.
[4:42:13 PM] Jake: So I decided, I don’t have to be mean.
[4:42:21 PM] Jake: I can be good and still hide.
[4:42:52 PM] Jake: So, I started being more passive, yet more responsive to other peoples needs.
[4:44:21 PM | Edited 4:44:36 PM] Jake: “I don’t need people’s thanks for being good.”
[4:44:55 PM] Jake: And I sure as hell didn’t want to be mean anymore.
[4:45:01 PM] Joe K Fobes: mhmm\
[4:45:05 PM] Jake: It was hard though.
[4:45:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: and so when was that moment
[4:45:15 PM] Jake: You construct a image for so long.
[4:45:19 PM] Joe K Fobes: when it all clicked
[4:45:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: and you couldnt go back to the old way
[4:45:31 PM] Jake: Making that wall so tough — like steel.
[4:45:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: no matter how hard you could try
[4:45:46 PM] Jake: But, I tore it down.
[4:45:50 PM] Jake: Bit, by bit.
[4:46:02 PM] Jake: And now, it is like a junkyard.
[4:46:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: and its interesting
[4:46:22 PM] Jake: Desolate, with no life.
[4:46:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: junkyards are places
[4:46:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: desolate
[4:46:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: no life
[4:46:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: the soil rich with nutrients
[4:46:42 PM] Joe K Fobes: a perfect place
[4:46:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: to grow something new
[4:46:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: beautiful
[4:46:59 PM] Joe K Fobes: peaceful
[4:47:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: a place to learn
[4:47:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: and be
[4:47:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: where youre safe
[4:47:13 PM] Joe K Fobes: where you can be you
[4:47:13 PM] Jake: It’s a place to reflect.
[4:47:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: and reflect
[4:47:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: and allow your unconscious
[4:47:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: youre neural network
[4:47:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: to process
[4:47:31 PM] Joe K Fobes: all that
[4:47:35 PM] Joe K Fobes: under the surface
[4:47:36 PM] Jake: Mmmhmm.
[4:47:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: and come to that peace
[4:47:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: deeply inside now
[4:47:51 PM] Joe K Fobes: and as those old memories
[4:47:53 PM] Joe K Fobes: emotions
[4:47:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: feelings
[4:47:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: pass by
[4:48:01 PM] Joe K Fobes: in a single file
[4:48:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: like so many willing servants
[4:48:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: and each one
[4:48:12 PM] Joe K Fobes: carries
[4:48:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: a lesson
[4:48:23 PM] Joe K Fobes: and as you learn the lesson
[4:48:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: from each servant
[4:48:31 PM] Joe K Fobes: his mission is done
[4:48:39 PM] Joe K Fobes: and he goes to a place of peace
[4:48:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: waiting for you to call on his strength
[4:48:51 PM] Joe K Fobes: for what you want
[4:48:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: and each of them
[4:48:59 PM] Joe K Fobes: teaching you
[4:49:03 PM] Joe K Fobes: in this lovely
[4:49:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: peaceful way
[4:49:08 PM] Joe K Fobes: every single
[4:49:12 PM] Joe K Fobes: memory
[4:49:13 PM] Joe K Fobes: emotion
[4:49:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: feeling
[4:49:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: thought
[4:49:19 PM] Joe K Fobes: teaching
[4:49:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: and moving on
[4:49:23 PM] Joe K Fobes: passing on
[4:49:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: deep things
[4:49:35 PM] Joe K Fobes: as you feel lighter
[4:49:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: lighter
[4:49:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: arming yourself
[4:49:45 PM] Joe K Fobes: with power
[4:49:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: a peaceful arming
[4:49:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: of lifting power
[4:49:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: which you knows
[4:50:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: will help you lift yourself
[4:50:08 PM] Joe K Fobes: almost without realizing
[4:50:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: just when the right
[4:50:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: arming yourself
[4:50:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: with the sense of lifting
[4:50:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: inside and out
[4:50:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: upwards
[4:50:42 PM] Joe K Fobes: and upwards
[4:50:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: waaay up in the air
[4:50:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: rising and lifting
[4:50:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: to that place
[4:51:01 PM] Joe K Fobes: where peace knows
[4:51:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: almost like a magnet
[4:51:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: tugging and pulling
[4:51:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: right upwards
[4:51:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: now
[4:51:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: and allow your unconscious
[4:51:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: to process what it needs to process
[4:51:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: and do what it needs to do
[4:51:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: and when you notice whats happening
[4:51:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: simply watch
[4:51:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: in amazement
[4:51:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: as that happens now
[4:51:51 PM] Joe K Fobes: and feel wonderful
[4:51:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: until it has learned its lesson to you
[4:52:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: and you drop down inside
[4:52:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: to that place of peace
[4:52:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: and when that happens you can come back
[4:52:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: by typing the word
[4:52:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: ‘peace’
[4:52:36 PM] Joe K Fobes: taking all the time you need
[4:52:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: inside
[4:54:02 PM] Jake: peace.
[4:54:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: welcome back
[4:54:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: and describe what was the most interesting about that 🙂
[4:54:30 PM] Jake: My arms, started floating.
[4:54:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: no way
[4:54:39 PM] Joe K Fobes: by themselves?!
[4:54:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: Oh lord
[4:54:54 PM] craig galvin: lol
[4:54:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: I must have mistakenly hypnotized you
[4:55:02 PM] craig galvin: ooops
[4:55:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: but but but
[4:55:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: you cant be hypnotized!
[4:55:11 PM] Jake: Yes, when you said, “as you feel lighter


arming yourself

with power

a peaceful arming

of lifting power

which you knows

will help you lift yourself

almost without realizing

just when the right

arming yourself

with the sense of lifting

inside and out


and upwards

waaay up in the air

rising and lifting

to that place

where peace knows

almost like a magnet

tugging and pulling

right upwards”
[4:55:23 PM] Jake: They started moving upwards.
[4:55:25 PM] Joe K Fobes: so interesting
[4:55:34 PM] Jake: And I felt very very very calm, peaceful, good.
[4:55:40 PM] Joe K Fobes: and did you know
[4:55:44 PM] Jake: I didn’t want it to stop so I just let them rise.
[4:55:59 PM] Joe K Fobes: and you didnt want that moment of being wrong to stop
[4:56:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: and it was peace
[4:56:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: calm
[4:56:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[4:56:15 PM] Jake: Yes!
[4:56:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: and one can enjoy
[4:56:19 PM] Joe K Fobes: being wrong
[4:56:20 PM] Jake: That’s exactly it.
[4:56:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: interesting
[4:56:32 PM] craig galvin: funny that, i wonder if u noticed the work that set u up for that jake lol
[4:56:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: I wonder what all this means
[4:56:37 PM] Jake: It was fluffy, sweet, and slightly tangy.
[4:56:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: I never knew horrible could be that wonderful 🙂
[4:57:19 PM] Jake: Frothing in a effable bed of wisdom.
[4:57:32 PM] Joe K Fobes: So what does this all mean?
[4:57:51 PM] Jake: I don’t have to be afraid of being wrong.
[4:57:59 PM] Jake: It can be wonderful.
[4:58:17 PM] Jake: I don’t have to clench onto things like that anymore.
[4:58:20 PM] Joe K Fobes: wow
[4:58:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: and what does that mean?
[4:59:08 PM] Jake: I can learn as much as I want without holding onto unnecessary feelings.
[4:59:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: wow
[4:59:18 PM] Joe K Fobes: and that
[4:59:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: you can learn as much as you want
[4:59:30 PM] Jake: Because, I can feel these wonderful things.
[4:59:36 PM] Joe K Fobes: without holding onto unnecessary feelings
[4:59:38 PM] Jake: Me, myself, I.
[4:59:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: and you can feel these wonderful feelings
[4:59:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: what does that mean?
[5:00:01 PM] Jake: I have the wish to do it, I can.
[5:00:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: wow
[5:00:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: and do you want to go a bit further here Jake?
[5:00:36 PM] Jake: Yes, please.
[5:00:59 PM] Joe K Fobes: so if you have the wish to do it you can
[5:01:01 PM] Joe K Fobes: what
[5:01:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: does that mean…
[5:02:41 PM] Jake: I am independent, I don’t have to wait for someone to make me feel good.
[5:03:40 PM] Joe K Fobes: wow
[5:03:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: and one last one
[5:03:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: and go all the way this time
[5:04:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: really really get ready to see the ultimate truth now
[5:04:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: and are you ready?
[5:04:14 PM] Jake: Yes.
[5:04:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: ok
[5:04:43 PM] Joe K Fobes: so really now
[5:04:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: taking all these deep truths
[5:04:53 PM] Joe K Fobes: go all the way up
[5:04:57 PM] Joe K Fobes: looking down
[5:05:03 PM] Joe K Fobes: and see the ultimate truth
[5:05:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: about you
[5:05:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: and what is that truth you see now
[5:05:50 PM] Jake: I am not always going to be right, but that is okay because I enjoy learning new things. These new things can help others.
[5:06:08 PM] Joe K Fobes: keep going
[5:06:14 PM] Jake: As I learn, I will do, and as I do I will teach, and as I teach I will learn.
[5:06:20 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[5:06:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: and now
[5:06:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: look in your life
[5:06:32 PM] Joe K Fobes: and find 2 other examples
[5:06:35 PM] Joe K Fobes: of where this is true
[5:06:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: where you can be comfortable
[5:06:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: being wrong
[5:06:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: being independent
[5:07:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: no fear
[5:07:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: and being ok with fear 🙂
[5:07:48 PM] Jake: Mmm.
[5:07:59 PM] Jake: It’s warm.
[5:08:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: and have you found those 2 other clear examples
[5:08:31 PM] Jake: Yes.
[5:08:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: perfect
[5:08:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: and notice
[5:09:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: how they are different
[5:09:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: with these new knowing
[5:09:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: these new truths
[5:09:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: that are true for you
[5:09:18 PM] Joe K Fobes: and let that
[5:09:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: those changes filter into every single aspect in your life
[5:09:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: and when its done
[5:09:42 PM] Joe K Fobes: and the constant state of learning is deeply installed
[5:09:45 PM] Joe K Fobes: that curiosity
[5:09:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: wonder
[5:09:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: love and peace
[5:09:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: simply type DONE
[5:10:11 PM] Jake: DONE
[5:10:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: perfect
[5:10:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: 🙂
[5:10:21 PM] Joe K Fobes: and there you have it
[5:10:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: life transformation
[5:10:52 PM] Joe K Fobes: arm lev
[5:10:56 PM] Jake: It is amazing.
[5:10:59 PM] craig galvin: lol
[5:11:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: indeed it is
[5:11:05 PM] craig galvin: rule 1 jake
[5:11:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: the arm lev was fun
[5:11:13 PM] craig galvin: never tell me or joe u cant be hypnotised online lol
[5:11:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: the covert part
[5:11:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: did you realize Jake, what I was doing before it lifted?
[5:11:39 PM] Joe K Fobes: or did it lift before you knew why?
[5:12:09 PM] Jake: I knew that I felt light inside.
[5:12:11 PM] craig galvin: very ericksonian in its thinking there joe
[5:12:20 PM] Jake: Then my whole body was being light.
[5:12:57 PM] Jake: So it was just like… “I’m floating up and feeling good about it, okay?”
[5:13:01 PM] craig galvin: Jake, keep a copy of this conversation,
[5:13:04 PM] craig galvin: read it
[5:13:10 PM] craig galvin: study it, see what we did there,
[5:13:23 PM] Jake: And I just thought, “Okay, I like it.”
[5:13:23 PM] craig galvin: even if Joe did hijack the trance lol
[5:13:33 PM] Jake: ^^
[5:13:55 PM] craig galvin: Joe saw the opening and went for it lol
[5:14:12 PM] Jake: I am most glad that he did.
[5:14:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: lol
[5:14:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: there were specific suggestions
[5:14:57 PM] Joe K Fobes: for the arm to lift to your nose
[5:15:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: your right arm specifically 🙂
[5:15:20 PM] Jake: My right arm?!
[5:15:26 PM] Jake: That is the one that rose first!
[5:15:27 PM] craig galvin: just a bit, i was laughing as u typed it
[5:15:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: yeps
[5:16:04 PM] Jake: Was the word “Arming yourself” what did it?
[5:17:08 PM] Jake: “almost without realizing

just when the right

arming yourself

with the sense of lifting”
[5:17:09 PM] Joe K Fobes: as you feel lighter
[4:49:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: lighter
arm here—–>[4:49:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: arming yourself
[4:49:45 PM] Joe K Fobes: with power
arm again—->[4:49:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: a peaceful arming
[4:49:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: of lifting power
knows=nose—–>[4:49:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: which you knows
[4:50:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: will help you lift yourself
[4:50:08 PM] Joe K Fobes: almost without realizing
right—–>[4:50:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: just when the right
arm—->[4:50:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: arming yourself
[4:50:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: with the sense of lifting
[4:50:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: inside and out
[4:50:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: upwards
[4:50:42 PM] Joe K Fobes: and upwards
[4:50:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: waaay up in the air
[4:50:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: rising and lifting
[4:50:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: to that place
nose—->[4:51:01 PM] Joe K Fobes: where peace knows
[4:51:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: almost like a magnet
[4:51:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: tugging and pulling
right—->[4:51:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: right upwards
[4:51:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: now
[4:51:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: and allow your unconscious
[4:51:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: to process what it needs to process
[4:51:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: and do what it needs to do
[4:51:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: and when you notice whats happening
[4:51:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: simply watch
[4:51:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: in amazement
[4:51:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: as that happens now
[4:51:51 PM] Joe K Fobes: and feel wonderful
[4:51:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: until it has learned its lesson to you
[4:52:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: and you drop down inside
[4:52:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: to that place of peace
[5:17:31 PM] Joe K Fobes: 🙂
[5:17:37 PM] craig galvin: right arming, right upwards, magnet, etc
[5:17:41 PM] Jake: That is incredible!
[5:17:42 PM] craig galvin: all combined very nicely
[5:17:57 PM] craig galvin: read it carefully, its all layered lol
[5:18:03 PM] Jake: I had only thought of the concepts of magnet, floating.
[5:18:14 PM] Jake: But not the “Right” and “arming” things.
[5:18:19 PM] Jake: That is amazing.
[5:18:21 PM] Joe K Fobes: magnet was way later 🙂
[5:18:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: thats your unconscious mind
[5:18:33 PM] Joe K Fobes: it KNEW
[5:18:33 PM] Jake: Wonderful.
[5:18:41 PM] Jake: I did know.
[5:18:42 PM] Joe K Fobes: exactly what the right thing was to do
[5:18:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: it knows
[5:18:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: it really knows
[5:19:02 PM] Jake: It was rising on its own!
[5:19:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: mhmm
[5:19:12 PM] Jake: No one was helping, not you, not me.
[5:19:14 PM] Jake: It was.
[5:19:18 PM] Joe K Fobes: without you ever consciously knowing what was going on
[5:19:25 PM] craig galvin: lol
[5:19:27 PM] craig galvin: hey joe
[5:19:29 PM] craig galvin: I think we got him
[5:19:31 PM] craig galvin: lol
[5:19:33 PM] Joe K Fobes: lol
[5:20:25 PM] craig galvin: this is why i love this occupation / hobby always learning, always enjoying and seeing things like this, is a really beautiful thing
[5:21:12 PM] Joe K Fobes: indeed
[5:21:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: in the hands of a master
[5:21:26 PM] Jake: Absolutely amazing.
[5:21:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: its art
[5:21:45 PM] Jake: Man, I’m showing this conversation to my whole family.
[5:21:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: 🙂
[5:21:50 PM] Jake: And to my friends.
[5:21:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: send them all on the upcoming course
[5:22:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: learn to do this stuff 🙂
[5:22:18 PM] Jake: I am amazed.
[5:22:23 PM] Jake: I am enlightened.
[5:22:27 PM] Joe K Fobes: 🙂
[5:22:31 PM] craig galvin: good good, we aim to please
[5:22:36 PM] Joe K Fobes: I think he’s had the wtf moment 🙂
[5:22:38 PM] craig galvin: joe is a true master
[5:22:41 PM] Jake: There is no words to describe this wonderful things.
[5:22:44 PM] craig galvin: erm i think so mate
[5:22:55 PM] craig galvin: i dont think his life will ever be the same lol
[5:23:05 PM] craig galvin: and the best part, is it will continue to grow lol

Text Therapy

Here is a small and quick piece of changework that I did with a young hypnotist who had worked with a friend and made some mistakes. He was in a pretty bad state, and I helped him move through it and learn something as well.

Now this obviously was rather easy as it was only a simple state change, and you can take the ideas used and apply them to more complex cases.

None of this was planned, it was all ‘in the moment’. If you want to learn hypnosis and therapy and train your mind to be able to create powerful therapeutic approaches ‘in the moment’ you can go sign up for the online supervision group.


[2:46:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: I talk to the SC all the time…
[2:47:04 PM] Joe K Fobes: its called ideomotor signaling
[2:47:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: have you ever had a finger twich by itself?
[2:47:49 PM] Steven: Hmm not really
[2:48:00 PM] Steven: I’ve had my eyelids twitching by themselves tho
[2:48:10 PM] Joe K Fobes: so every part of your body is always perfectly still?
[2:48:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: do this
[2:48:23 PM] Joe K Fobes: put your wrist on the table
[2:48:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: and float your fingers
[2:48:27 PM] Steven: k
[2:48:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: float
[2:48:40 PM] Joe K Fobes: now watch those fingers
[2:48:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: and twitch one of them
[2:48:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: a few times
[2:49:03 PM] Joe K Fobes: and then stop twitching it
[2:49:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: and watch it
[2:49:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: and let me know when it does a little twitch by itself
[2:49:27 PM] Steven: ohh
[2:49:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: yeps
[2:49:31 PM] Steven: woah
[2:49:33 PM] Steven: why?
[2:49:36 PM] Joe K Fobes: so thats the yes finger
[2:49:38 PM] Steven: that’s so strange?
[2:49:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: now, go and make a no finger
[2:49:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: so twitch the no finger
[2:49:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: a few times
[2:49:55 PM] Steven: can it be on the other hand?
[2:50:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: and then let it do it itself
[2:50:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: well I want you to be able to type
[2:50:10 PM] Steven: kk
[2:50:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: so pick a hand
[2:50:14 PM] Joe K Fobes: do the yes finger
[2:50:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: and then the no one
[2:50:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: and tell when you have that
[2:51:19 PM] Steven: hmm the other finger is not reacting
[2:51:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: ok
[2:51:28 PM] Steven: only the yes finger seems to be twitching when I concentrate on it
[2:51:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: so look at the yes finger
[2:51:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: and Im going to ask your SC something
[2:51:43 PM] Joe K Fobes: and that finger will respond
[2:51:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: is that ok with you?
[2:51:50 PM] Steven: yes
[2:51:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[2:52:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: so SC of Steven, does Steven have parents?
[2:52:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: and watch the finger respond
[2:52:25 PM] Joe K Fobes: and tell me its response
[2:52:33 PM] Steven: yes finger moved
[2:52:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[2:52:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: and SC mind, does Steven have siblings?
[2:53:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: and once again tell me its response
[2:53:21 PM] Steven: yes finger moved
[2:53:23 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[2:53:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: no we will install the no finger
[2:53:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: ready?
[2:53:32 PM] Steven: ok
[2:53:42 PM] Joe K Fobes: watch the hand in response to this question
[2:53:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: and notice which other finger goes
[2:54:00 PM] Steven: ok
[2:54:22 PM] Joe K Fobes: SC mind, has Steven ever raped a woman?
[2:54:54 PM] Steven: hmm
[2:55:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: what do you get
[2:55:03 PM] Steven: my hand has no response
[2:55:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: ok
[2:55:07 PM] Steven: but I can feel a tingle
[2:55:09 PM] Steven: in my pinky
[2:55:11 PM] Joe K Fobes: watch it and I’ll ask again
[2:55:15 PM] Joe K Fobes: and this time it will answer
[2:55:18 PM] Joe K Fobes: fully
[2:55:19 PM] Steven: ok
[2:55:29 PM] Joe K Fobes: SC mind, has Steven ever killed a human being?
[2:56:23 PM] Steven: hmm
[2:56:30 PM] Steven: my index finger is my yes finger
[2:56:33 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[2:56:38 PM] Steven: and I can see my pinky and ring finger shaking
[2:56:42 PM] Joe K Fobes: perfect
[2:56:45 PM] Steven: but not as big of a twitch as the yes finger
[2:56:49 PM] Joe K Fobes: so now onto the good stuff
[2:56:56 PM] Joe K Fobes: it gets stronger as we move on
[2:56:59 PM] Steven: ok
[2:57:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: so SC mind, your job is to give Steven the best life possible, is that true?
[2:57:43 PM] Steven: yes
[2:59:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: and SC mind he had an event with this girl which you feel is important, yes?
[3:00:12 PM] Steven: yes but its a smaller twitch
[3:00:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: perfect
[3:00:50 PM] Joe K Fobes: and SC mind, you have the ability to create any though or emotion, or memory or imagination in his mind, isn’t that so?
[3:01:23 PM] Steven: overwhelming yes
[3:01:25 PM] Steven: omg
[3:01:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: yeps
[3:01:40 PM] Steven: i felt a pulse from my head move down to the yes finger
[3:02:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: and so SC mind, would it be ok for you to have him experience being a brilliant and experienced hypnosis expert (pick your favorite) and as he experiences that, have him get a really clear perspective on what happened?
[3:03:52 PM] Steven: hmmm..
[3:04:04 PM] Steven: it stays relatively still
[3:04:16 PM] Steven: but whenever I dont focus on my hand
[3:04:17 PM] Joe K Fobes: thats fine
[3:04:32 PM] Steven: it like my pinky is tugging slightly
[3:04:38 PM] Joe K Fobes: thats fine
[3:04:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: SC mind, youre here to help Steven, yes?
[3:05:01 PM] Steven: yes
[3:05:10 PM] Joe K Fobes: and you can create anything in his mind, yes?
[3:05:20 PM] Steven: yes
[3:05:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: does it make sense to you, that perhaps experiencing this from the perspective of an experienced hypnotist, that he will learn important new things?
[3:06:24 PM] Steven: yes
[3:06:38 PM] Steven: but my pinky felt weird
[3:07:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: and so since you can create anything in his mind, and youre here to help him, and it does make sense on some level, would it be ok for you to create that experience for him?
[3:07:19 PM] Steven: yes
[3:07:39 PM] Joe K Fobes: ok
[3:08:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: so SC mind, please go ahead and do that now. Close his eyes, and have him experience that, and when he has learned what he needs to learn, open his eyes and have him report back. You can take as long as full minute or even as short as 10 seconds to do that now.
[3:10:00 PM] Steven: wow
[3:10:12 PM] Steven: that was… rather enlightening
[3:10:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: indeed
[3:10:23 PM] Steven: I’m usually on the other end of the hypnosis
[3:10:26 PM] Joe K Fobes: tell me about the parts that youre aware of consciously right now?
[3:10:29 PM] Steven: so its weird experiencing it
[3:10:32 PM] Joe K Fobes: yeps
[3:10:32 PM] Steven: especially when I closed my eyes
[3:10:33 PM] Steven: and It felt like
[3:10:36 PM] Steven: I dno
[3:10:42 PM] Steven: I was looking at myself hypnotizing the girl
[3:10:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[3:10:49 PM] Steven: like it was like watchin it from up above
[3:10:51 PM] Steven: weird feeling
[3:10:53 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[3:11:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: and what did you notice consciously that you learned about that
[3:11:20 PM] Steven: I noticed that I shouldn’t have dealt with her family issues
[3:11:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[3:11:33 PM] Steven: she said that she was whispering because her father was yelling at her
[3:11:37 PM] Steven: and I only focused on her
[3:11:37 PM] Joe K Fobes: mhmm
[3:11:43 PM] Steven: the fact that it had to do with her father
[3:11:51 PM] Steven: went completely through me
[3:11:54 PM] Steven: during the hypnosis
[3:11:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: yeps
[3:12:01 PM] Joe K Fobes: quite a powerful insight
[3:12:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: what else did you learn
[3:12:07 PM] Steven: as part of metaphorically frame the issue
[3:12:17 PM] Steven: I made her visualize the trauma she was experiencing
[3:12:25 PM] Steven: in terms of images that couldnt touch her
[3:12:31 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[3:12:34 PM] Steven: kind of like ghosts
[3:12:51 PM] Steven: that was … sorry for my language, but fucking stupid
[3:13:00 PM] Joe K Fobes: lol
[3:13:11 PM] Steven: it was so obvious that she was dealing with her trauma in a suppressive way
[3:13:15 PM] Steven: it was obvious it happened the day before
[3:13:28 PM] Joe K Fobes: good
[3:13:32 PM] Joe K Fobes: so now do this
[3:13:35 PM] Steven: yet I still forced her to imagine it
[3:13:41 PM] Joe K Fobes: float right above that Steven
[3:13:46 PM] Joe K Fobes: doing those things
[3:13:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: and realize how being the person he is
[3:14:03 PM] Joe K Fobes: he isnt quite aware
[3:14:12 PM] Joe K Fobes: that he needs to be aware of this stuff
[3:14:21 PM] Joe K Fobes: are you noticing that?
[3:14:40 PM] Steven: I felt my vision blur for a moment just now
[3:14:43 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[3:14:44 PM] Steven: and my head is a bit heavy
[3:14:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[3:15:06 PM] Joe K Fobes: and as you notice that younger you, doing what he’s doing
[3:15:10 PM] Joe K Fobes: based on what he knows
[3:15:16 PM] Joe K Fobes: and who he is
[3:15:24 PM] Joe K Fobes: making decisions that to him seem to be wise
[3:15:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: you learn what you need to learn from that
[3:15:43 PM] Joe K Fobes: in a healthy and integrated fashion
[3:15:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: and as you learn that
[3:15:51 PM] Joe K Fobes: the emotion fades
[3:15:54 PM] Joe K Fobes: fades away
[3:16:03 PM] Joe K Fobes: as you have learned what you need to learn
[3:16:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: its a part of you now
[3:16:13 PM] Joe K Fobes: and your SC can now release that emotion
[3:16:21 PM] Joe K Fobes: and when its done doing that
[3:16:30 PM] Joe K Fobes: you can come fully back to the present fully awake
[3:16:47 PM] Joe K Fobes: feeling that relief wash through your mind and body now
[3:16:55 PM] Joe K Fobes: releasing that emotion
[3:17:05 PM] Joe K Fobes: and becoming fully free
[3:17:14 PM] Steven: phew im back
[3:17:23 PM] Steven: wow
[3:17:25 PM] Joe K Fobes: welcome back
[3:17:31 PM] Joe K Fobes: you feel good, dont you
[3:17:31 PM] Steven: my mind feels … like clear
[3:17:34 PM] Joe K Fobes: yes
[3:17:34 PM] Steven: yah
[3:17:36 PM] Steven: like awake
[3:17:42 PM] Steven: I dno, I remember what happened during the trance
[3:17:44 PM] Joe K Fobes: it was good that you experienced that
[3:17:48 PM] Steven: but like
[3:17:48 PM] Joe K Fobes: learned your lesson
[3:17:58 PM] Joe K Fobes: and are now free to move on
[3:17:59 PM] Steven: it felt like .. ages
[3:18:02 PM] Joe K Fobes: yeps
[3:18:07 PM] Joe K Fobes: time distortion is one of the things
[3:18:26 PM] Steven: wow
[3:18:28 PM] Steven: thanks a lot Joe

If you want to get a taste of how to easily do work like that, go sign up for the online supervision group now!

Conversational Obsession Blowout

Here is an interesting conversational obsession blowout.

See if you can figure out what the main changework engine was in this case.


STRANGER: So I have a true mystery for you
STRANGER: Maybe you’ll be able to help me out here
You: fire away
STRANGER: My old friend is MPD
STRANGER: Which means Multiple Personality Disorder
STRANGER: And one of her personalities is in love with me
STRANGER: but the thing is
STRANGER: (You’re prolly thinking bullshit…sorry for my lang)
STRANGER: But any way
You: mhmm
STRANGER: I loved him too
STRANGER: But then I figured no…because of all the complications
STRANGER: Parents, friends, love, kids…ect
You: mhmm
STRANGER: And then I ended up saying no
STRANGER: Because I have a boy friend any way
You: ok
STRANGER: And then we got into this huge fight because I wanted to play the cello
STRANGER: And i sent him into this deep depression to the point where he was sesizuring
STRANGER: And we stopped talking because he got a gf
You: this is your bf? or the mpd person?
STRANGER: I’m kinda telling you half the story
STRANGER: But any way
STRANGER: He’s still in love with me…and I still care a load about him…
You: mhmm
STRANGER: But we never talk and or never speak
STRANGER: How do you get over someone
STRANGER: That is crazy
STRANGER: Because I think about him way to much
You: that’s a good question
STRANGER: And it’s not healthy for my current relationship
You: so you’re a bit obsessed with this guy
You: guy
You: and you want to get over him
You: and it’s hard
STRANGER: exactly
You: well
You: heh
You: I work with this all the time
You: personally I just hypnotize the person
You: and tell their mind
You: to stop obsessing
You: and they are better
STRANGER: I don’t think that would work on me
You: hmm
You: and why not
STRANGER: This isn’t a matter of the mind….
You: and what is it a matter of?
STRANGER: Well heart
STRANGER: I suppose
STRANGER: Oh you know never mind
STRANGER: I sound like a teenager
STRANGER: That is annoying
STRANGER: And crazy too
You: lol
You: well do you want to feel better?
STRANGER: I always manage to get into the weirdest situations
STRANGER: I have a feeling that it will eventually go away
STRANGER: But it has been a year
You: mhmm
STRANGER: Most would say just go with the MPD fella
STRANGER: But I don’t really want to leave my boyfriend of 2 years
STRANGER: He hasn’t hurt me
You: you don’t
You: he hasn’t
STRANGER: So if stick with logic
STRANGER: Then he is the correct choice
STRANGER: I’m talking to myself over this things
STRANGER: thing*
STRANGER: Any ways
You: interesting
You: so you want the mpd guy
You: and you logically think you ought to stay with the current BF
You: and it’s not easy to be torn like that
STRANGER: Nope…but I deal
STRANGER: The MPD guy is in a girls body
STRANGER: So I would be dating a girl/guy
You: Ah I see
You: and so you want him/her
You: and your logic says no
You: that’s gotta be tough
You: to be in that scenario
STRANGER: It’s irritating…
STRANGER: But I don’t do things that are healthy for my mind
STRANGER: Well when it comes to that
STRANGER: And he can make me smile any time…just one look
STRANGER: And bam that blushing pink smile just comes out of no where
You: mhmm
STRANGER: See, not healthy
You: so it’s irritating and unhealthy
You: that’s how you feel
STRANGER: Well I’m healthy in generall
STRANGER: but when it comes to him not so much
STRANGER: And when it comes to my BF…I just want to be happy with him
You: yes
You: so you want to be happy
You: and this other person makes you do that blushing pink smile
You: and that smile is making you irritated
You: and it makes you feel unhealthy
STRANGER: Oh alright, when you put it that way…it seems like happiness is just over the corner
You: what do you mean?
STRANGER: So, “You want to be happy and this other person makes you do that blushing pink smile.”
You: isn’t that what you said?
You: it is
You: and you don’t like to feel unhealthy
You: or irritated
STRANGER: Nope…but I’m addicting to missing him
You: how do you feel about the fact that you feel irritated?
STRANGER: and plus he wouldn’t date me now any way
You: so you’re addicted
STRANGER: because he has a girl friend and I hurt him
You: and how does that feel?
STRANGER: Well I was addicted more before than now
You: what does that addicted make you feel?
STRANGER: For the longest time…I would smell him every where and think about him 24/7 and listen to all the music he’s given me
You: and how does that make you feel?
You: you want to be happy, and so how does that addicted make you feel now
STRANGER: Well nostalogic
You: yes
You: and how does that make you feel
You: that nostalgia that conflicts with happiness
You: how does that feel
STRANGER: Well i suppose pointless…since I’m never gonna go any where with the f=guy
STRANGER: the guy*
You: so you feel pointless
You: so he makes you feel pointless
You: and how does that feel?
You: ah correct me
STRANGER: I feel pointless because I know I already screwed up
STRANGER: He doesn’t make me feel pointless
STRANGER: pointless =irritated and crazy
You: and how does that addiction and nostalgia that he makes you feel, how does that make you feel when you want to be happy now?
STRANGER: Irritated
STRANGER: and excited
You: so you want to feel happy
You: and you feel irritated and excited
You: and how do you feel about the fact that you feel excited?
You: you want to feel happy
You: and you feel excited
STRANGER: It makes me smile that pink blushing smile
You: and so what’s the problem?
STRANGER: I want to be happy when I think about my BF
You: and?
STRANGER: When I think about my bf I feel bored
You: so this pink blushing smile
You: makes you feel bored about bf
You: and you don’t want that
STRANGER: exactly
You: you want to be happy not bored
You: so how do you feel about that
You: that you feel bored and not excited
You: how does that make you feel
STRANGER: Well crazy
You: does crazy feel good?
STRANGER: Because I want an insane person over my bf
You: and does that feel good?
STRANGER: Not particularly
You: not particularly
STRANGER: where are you going with all this?
You: well I’m trying to understand
You: let me see if I’m getting it right
You: you want to be happy
You: and this person
You: makes you addicted and nostalgic
You: makes you irritated and blushing
You: and excited
You: and that makes you bored and not happy
You: and it makes you feel crazy
You: which feels not particularly good
You: is that correct?
You: hmm
You: so this guy makes you feel crazy and irritated and not happy
You: is that correct?
STRANGER: Well the MPD guy makes me happy but it’s not healthy…because I want to be happy with my current bf not the MPD guy
You: and how do you feel about the fact that he makes you feel that way? how do you feel about the fact that he makes you feel unhealthy things?
STRANGER: It’s irritating because I let him “make” me feel those things
You: yes
You: so when he makes you feel things
You: it’s irritating
You: yes
You: so he makes you feel irritated?
STRANGER: Well in a round about way
You: yes
STRANGER: More happy
You: how do you feel about that happy
You: that unhealthy happy
STRANGER: that I shouldn’t feel it
You: that he makes you feel
You: yes
You: and how does it make you feel then
You: knowing that you shouldn’t feel it
STRANGER: guilty…because I have a bf
You: and does guilty feel good?
STRANGER: It feels wrong
You: and how does wrong feel? bad or good?
You: So he makes you feel bad
You: happy, then irritated, then guilty then wrong then bad
You: yes?
You: yes
You: ok so let me get this straight
You: ok?
You: you want to feel happy. And you want to be happy with BF. And this MPD guy makes you feel addicted, nostalgic, happy, irritated, excited, bad, guilty, wrong, and bad. And you want to feel happy, not bad and wrong and guilty and bored and irritated. Yes?
You: yes
You: it’s tough when someone makes you feel so bad
You: so horribly bad
You: you see them and you feel bad
You: you feel bored with that bad feeling
You: it’s boring
You: it’s something that you have no interest in
You: bad feelings
You: you know what I mean?
You: bad feelings can get boring after a while
You: I had a friend
You: who had someone who made him feel bad
You: after a while
You: he got bored of feeling bad
You: and he just didn’t even notice that person anymore
You: that person was so boring
You: same old bad feeling
You: over and over and over
You: it gets boring
You: that cycle
You: or bad
You: it’s boring
You: nothing to see here
You: you know what I mean by that, don’t you.
You: yes
You: and he realized something very important
You: that once he felt that bored feeling
You: that being bored with feeling bad
You: he couldn’t go back
You: it was over
You: forever
You: he was bored with that bad feeling
You: and he stayed bored
You: forever
You: anytime that person tried to bring him back
You: that bored feeling would be there
You: and he would feel zero interest
You: he would feel irritation
You: but mostly complete disinterest
You: you feel that now what I’m saying
You: don’t you
You: yes
You: and so what was your problem?
You: it’s gone now, isn’t it
You: completely gone
You: the harder you look for it
You: the further it goes away
You: and disappears
You: so boring
You: the more you try
You: the more it’s gone
You: meaningless
You: Booooorrrring
You: isn’t that so
You: say thank you to the nice hypnotist 🙂
STRANGER: thank you to the nice hypnotist
You: think about that MPD person now, how do you feel
You: how do you feel about that person
STRANGER: Empty…is what I would call it
You: yep
You: it’s all over, isn’t it
STRANGER: You’re a very interesting character
You: now here is the interesting thing
You: and watch this
You: all that excitement and addiction and blushing smile
You: all that
You: has simply moved over
You: right on to your BF
You: even stronger now
You: on your BF
STRANGER: *smiles*
You: think about your BF and feel that strongly now
You: so powerful
You: so amazing
You: he looks at you
You: your wonderful bf
You: and you feel that blushing smile
You: you can’t help yourself
You: that feeling
You: that excitement
You: like wow
You: WOW
You: 😀
STRANGER: This is ridiculous/crazy/insane/awesome
You: and the more you spent time with him
You: the better and better it gets now
You: better and better
You: stringer and stronger
You: so wonderful
You: that happy, exciting, healthy, feeling
You: so sweet
STRANGER: *smiles*
You: that feels so right, doesn’t it
STRANGER: And bizarre
You: yes
You: and healthy
You: and **right*

Note: I later installed the ability to remove the feeling from her boyfriend also, I didn’t leave her feeling that way with her boyfriend with no way out.


So this girl is feeling homesick and wants some relief. How can we help her in a few short minutes?

First off let her know that your going to be asking interesting questions and that she should bear with you here.

Ask her how she knows she is homesick. Where does she feel that inside? Is it a bubbly feeling in her pinky finger? Or is it a heavy feeling in her chest? If the feeling had a color, what color would it be? How would it sound? What is the texture?

What is the opposite of homesick? If she felt that how would it feel? What physical feelings would there be to let her know that she is feeling that? If the feeling had a color, what color would it be? How would it sound? What is the texture?

After you have this, increase the homesickness by increasing all of those sensations. Use her exact words. Write them down if you must. So if she says its a sharp concentrated feeling in her shoulders and its green and it sounds high pitched, have her get it sharper and more concentrated and even greener and even higher pitched. Then decrease it. You want to play a bit here and establish control over the feeling. Make it stronger and weaker a few times.

Now play with the feeling that is the opposite of homesickness. Establish control over this one also. Make it stronger and weaker a few times.

Now clear her state and have her close her eyes for a few seconds and have the good feeling pour into her. Now have her open her eyes and the feeling stays there. Do it again. And again. With each time make it go quicker and quicker. Until the point where a blink makes her feel that feeling.

You have now anchored a blink to feeling the good feeling. I would suppose she blinks often during the day…….

Of course you can use this for other feelings also.


Being The Hypnotist…. The Magical 10 Minute Confidence Maker

One of the most important things you want to have as a hypnotist is the attitude that you are The Hypnotist. That you can hypnotize anyone anywhere at anytime. I once heard someone tell a hypnotist “I am not easy to hypnotize”. The immediate answer was a laugh and “EVERYONE is easy to hypnotize”. You have to have an attitude that you have done this a million times before, there is no question it will work, and there is no possibility of failure.

Once you are The Hypnotist everything you do is exponentially more powerful.

But hey! How are you supposed to feel like The Hypnotist if you have never hypnotized before?

The short answer is…. fake it till you make it. But that can be a bit hard when your insides feel like mushed jelly and you are scared to death.

So here is a powerful method that I used back when I was a beginner and trying to get that magical attitude.

Take a deep breath and relax, let yourself relax completely.

Then close your eyes and picture yourself doing something that you are totally confident about. I used a very simple example, that when I drive to work every day I know where my office is. If someone asked me “you sure?” I would look at him like he was crazy and go “hell yeah”.

I KNOW I will find my office. I’m 1000% certain. A visitor wouldn’t be so certain that they know where to get off the highway and will be able to turn at the right  place. I do know. Clear. Sure. Certain. Confident. 1 Million Percent. Think of an example that works for you. I’m SURE you have one.

Then notice how it looks, sounds, feels, and what happens to your body when you imaging those thoughts and feelings. By me it happened to be a low steady powerful sound, a feeling of thick honey spreading in my lower chest, and a narrowing of my vision until I had the thing in sight like a laser beam. I also leaned an tiny bit forward and expelled our air through my nose. Hey, that’s how confidence feels and exists for me. Everyone has their own exact personalized version.

OK, now that you have that, squeeze your fist and see everything get cranked up a notch. So I squeezed my fist, and made the sound more powerful, deeper, felt the honey get thicker, bigger, expelled air more forcefully….. I cranked everything up. The harder I squeezed, the more I cranked it up. Harder and harder, more and more confident. Within a minute I was squeezing like hell and feeling that the most confident I’ve ever felt. Then I let go and let the confidence linger in me. I imagined that I had just filled myself up with confidence, and that even after I stopped pouring it in it was still there. And I squeezed again, and again, and again. Bam Bam BAM.

Now every time I squeeze like hell I get an absurd boost of confidence. It’s automatic.

Then I saw myself going over to do hypnosis. I felt high, flaky, and shaky. The opposite of confidence. I change the picture to look like the confident one. Low, strong, deep, honey….. and I squeezed and let the confidence grow and spread.

Rinse and repeat.


The whole thing took 10 minutes total. Yep that’s all it was. 🙂

Good luck, try it NOW, and drop us a comment when you are done to tell us how it went!